lets take a stab at the prog power XII lineup


Sep 25, 2009
so lets try and guess who will be playing next year.....

I bet glenn will get a kick out of this.

ill have my thoughts posted soon :D
My Guess is:

Glenn will have 1o to 11 bands playing over two nights.

As to who I have no clue.
ya honelsty i have not checked out ANY dark moor, what is their best CD? ill pick it up

The newer albums with Alfred on vocals are way better IMO.
I'd say start with their self-titled album, "Dark Moor" and work your way up.

-Beyond the Sea
-Autumnal (actually make this one a priority....incredible album)

The older albums with Elise on vocals are musically more classical sounding but the vocals just kill it for me. However, they do a pretty sweet version of "Halloween" with this vocalist.
The newer albums with Alfred on vocals are way better IMO.
I'd say start with their self-titled album, "Dark Moor" and work your way up.

-Beyond the Sea
-Autumnal (actually make this one a priority....incredible album)

The older albums with Elise on vocals are musically more classical sounding but the vocals just kill it for me. However, they do a pretty sweet version of "Halloween" with this vocalist.

thank you very much :)
All i know is i want to see MUSTASCH again!!! Those dudes kill me!!! I would say that Sabbaton would be a good guess as well with the way they smashed everyone last year. Symphony X is a good guess they have not played for awhile and they will most likely have a new disc out by then. A few other bands that come to mind Power Quest since the visa problems stopped them, some more bands that come to mind : Dream Evil, Highlord, Metalium,Mystic Prophecy, Nostradammeus for bigger spots. Inmoria, I like the power/thrash thing Paradox and since Thrash is my main stay i would love to see that continue and see a band like Heathen, Defiance, Gurd ect.:devil: