Let's talk about guitar preamps

Back on topic (preamps), you shouldn't rule out the Peavey Rockmaster ... I have that one and the ENGL e530.

The ENGL is tighter, more aggressive has a lot of useful features (built in power amp, compensated outs, stereo out)
The Peavey is a lot more versatile sound-wise (active eq with mid-shift), has a more "organic" feel and cuts better on a live environment.

The original idea was to keep the one I liked the most, but after some months, I relized I cannot part ways with either of them.

I use the ENGL primarily for studio work and home practice, while I use the Peavey mostly for band rehearsals and live gigs (when I cannot bring my amp head)

Just my 2 cents.
^The Peavey Rockmaster is supposed to be similar in tone to the Triple XXX, right?

I'm definitely interested in giving one of those a try.
i'm not too fond of the e530, it's a bit on the vintage side as far as i'm concerned (vintage for me being like power metal etc, so go figure).

Vintage? If anything, the e530 is very modern, scooped, etc. It doesn't do vintagey warm tones as well as I'd like, but it's really a METAL preamp and a great value, and still sounds a fuckload better than any Randall module or other low-cost preamp options. Using the e530 with IRs is probably the best value for the money out there as far as getting great direct metal guitar sounds. JJ tubes sound much better in it than the stock tubes, FYI.
and still sounds a fuckload better than any Randall module

That's a pretty loaded statement dude, as I seem to recall an RM4 was used on an As I Lay Dying album or some other well-regarded tone; what's the source of this sentiment?
That's a pretty loaded statement dude, as I seem to recall an RM4 was used on an As I Lay Dying album or some other well-regarded tone; what's the source of this sentiment?

The source is me. Had an RM4 for a while last year and tried most of the modules in existence. Crap with IRs, and not great at all into the RT2/50 power amp into a cab. Plus the workmanship was hilariously awful, made in China, etc.

I'm unaware of AILD using Randall stuff on a record. Not calling bs, just haven't read that anywhere.
Well to put it another way, people always said one of their albums was Randall, and then used that to preface a "so I really want an RM4!" GAS confession, so I kinda put two and two together :D (and what other Randall would it be?) Interesting insight though dude, and like I said, I've never played any of those modular Randall variants, so I certainly can't dispute you!
If you can find a used(because it's still pretty costly brand new) Rocktron Prophesy,I think that this could be what you're searching for.You've got a very solid pre-amp section,plus great effects.The only thing that beats this IMO is the (you guesse it) Axe-Fx.
I've beeen playing many years and gigs with a Pod Xt Pro + Peavey 50/50, then a Peavey Rockmaster (fucking nice preamp btw)
I bought a Triaxis, and my life changed. Sovtek + Tungsol + Electro Harmonix tubes.

It is hard to find your favourite tone, but once you find it, it is like having and orgasm shagging with Shakira (or whoever you like most), it is fucking versatile but not easy to find the right tone.

Pure metal.
I've had my POD for 2 years now, and while I think I'm getting decent sounds, in the end, It never sounds like I would like to, It's great for some things, but it's not cuting it anymore.
I'm mainly looking at guitar preamps, I know a lot of people use the AxeFx, but I don't have enough money, and for that much I would prefer other things, I really dig some of the ampsims(soloC, 8505, etc.), but right now I'd prefer hardware stuff, however, I like the sound I'm getting from ampsims.
I don't know much about the preamps in the market, so far I've seen the engls, the ADA stuff(not my cup of tea really) and a couple more,
Any recommendations?

Amt electronics legend series or the ss20, amptweaker, hades by airis effects (you don't even need a boost with the hades). Even the Bogner uberschall can be used as a pre amp It has high enough internal voltage to have great dynamics as well but you'll definitely want a od/clean boost Infront though