Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
I'm all for giving authority the finger at every opportunity, but this guy takes it to a whole new level. I am in awe of his courage & calmness.

The video is about 25-30 minutes in length. Should be a "textbook case" on how to behave when confronted by police.

Also has an interesting point on full-body scanners and how easily they can be used by perverts.

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This guy is a fucking idiot. Liberty Activist? Paranoid whackjob. I'm sorry, but what he is doing is just impeding what the TSA is doing. Regardless of what you think of them or their policies, you can't deny that he was acting like a complete fucktard.

"I'm not answering questions." What an IDIOT. Just tell them you're press, or say no. Don't be obstinate - of course they won't respond well.

At the end of the day, though, flying is not a right, more like a privilege. If you don't like how they're doing things, fucking drive or something. Until then, security is BS enough as is... let dudes like me who just want to get through security as quick as possible and take your bullshit complaints somewhere else.

OH MY GOD I just got to the 7:30 mark... THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT OUT TO PIN PEOPLE AS TERRORISTS AND ADVANCE THEIR CAREERS. Air travel is not down 20% because of the TSA... it's because people are afraid to fly, can't afford it, or just don't want to travel in a goddamn recession.

This guy is a total douchebag and I'm baffled that anyone remotely rational supports what he's doing.
Seriously, bottom line - if you're not doing anything you shouldn't be when flying, you have nothing at all to worry about. I understand it's a pain in the ass not being able to take certain items that could be used as weapons or to store explosives or whatever, but I'm fine checking those or just not bringing them if it means some other asshole can't blow up my plane with them.

How often do the doomsayer guys fly? And how often are you unnecessarily impeded by the TSA? I hear 100% more bitching and moaning out of them than I do out of my father, who's in an airport at least twice a week for travel.
I guess you've never been arbitrarily harassed by the cops before? Well, I have, and I applaud his efforts.

No, I have - living in a college town means it happens fairly often. I'm not going to be obstinate and abrasive, though. If you're calm and cooperative and aren't guilty of anything, you have nothing to worry about.

Why the fuck do so many people think cops are just out to get innocent citizens? It's this kind of thinking that undermines the system and doesn't allow it to work properly, at all. If you're an anarchist or are anti-government - whatever, you have every right to be, just not within these borders.
Why the fuck do so many people think cops are just out to get innocent citizens?

These things tend to leave an impression:


It's this kind of thinking that undermines the system and doesn't allow it to work properly, at all.

The system never worked properly to begin with.

Don't get me wrong, giving cops attitude isn't smart, IMO. Personally, I'm always sickeningly polite with them. I'm just amazed at the Cast Iron Balls the guy in the video is carrying around. I don't think I'd ever be able to muster up that kind of courage. What amazes me is how he kept his cool & didn't back down on the camera issue. Nor did he resort to name calling or rudeness. ...and he made the cops play by the rules they swore an oath to uphold.
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Yeah, that cop is a total douchebag and deserves to have his badge removed and to eat the business end of a shotgun for abusing the power we gave him as citizens, but it does still stand to reason that if those kids weren't skating where they weren't supposed to (IE they weren't 'innocent citizens'), they wouldn't have had problems with that pig fuck.

By system I don't mean homeland security, I mean the government in general, just FTR. I'm not going to say HLS is the best branch of the US government ever initiated, but it's not within my rights as a citizen to be a complete douchebag and try to change things other than via the voting and representational procedures already in place. Before anyone brings up the "we have a right to overthrow a tyrannical government if it's not performing up to par or being generally fucked up," our government hardly fits any of those descriptions, and a single branch like the HLS is not indicative of it's imminent downfall.

I'll give the guy that much - when approached by the cops he was overall solid, but he was definitely asking for the treatment he got.
Since we are talking about TSA, I really have to share a (somewhat) funny story that happened to a friend of mine, but on canada's side of the border.

So my friend and her boyfriend went on vacation in mexico, and flew into LA, then on to Vancouver (where the "incident" occured). They get to the front of the line at canadian customs and begin the usual process of getting asked the same old questions. When the man at the desk asked them where they had been, they explained mexico, and he quickly asked "but your form says you came in on a flight from Los Angeles". They explain how they had a connecting flight and showed their travelocity recipes. For whatever reason, the border douche immediately had someone escort them to another room for further questioning, because he felt it was "odd" that they came from LA instead of flying direct. My friend asks the guard to explain why they are being taken to another line.....none is given and her boyfriend gets basically carried to the room.

Once inside the room, their bags are completely torn apart, and they are forced to empty there pockets , and turn over their wallets and anything else they have. First they grab all her boyfriends shit and start making comments about searching his cards for traces of cocaine...essentially baiting him for a response....when he remains surprisingly silent they go after her here's the part that makes me laugh every time....

My friend is a Border Services Agent. The guard goes into her purse, and pulls out her BSO badge and ID card and apparently had the worst look of horror on their face. Realizing that there is absolutely no way they can talk their way out of this one, the guard tries to play it off as "extra" security precautions with flights from mexico. There bags was neatly packed up by the guards, and were allowed to leave.

The following day my friend filed a formal complaint against the officers. To this day nothing has happened with it, but she did say that she found it a bit odd when 2 weeks later she got a promotion, and now handles BSO work OUTSIDE the airport....

just thought I'd share.
I fail to see how this guy is being paranoid. Fucker was obviously putting a hell of a lot of effort in to make those cunts play by the rules, and I'm in agreeance with everyone else here in that this guy has some BALLS. I could never act that way in his position, and you can tell that if you slipped up once, ONCE, you'd be fucked.
The system is fucking broken to begin with, and I'm a believer that the way you deal with it is a huge part in defining you in a person. You can either bend over and let the system fuck you in the ass like Jeff, or you can have the gall to think that maybe, just maybe, the system is flawed and/or not for the good of the people.

I have no idea how you can be so complacent, Jeff. But fair enough.
I fail to see how this guy is being paranoid. Fucker was obviously putting a hell of a lot of effort in to make those cunts play by the rules, and I'm in agreeance with everyone else here in that this guy has some BALLS. I could never act that way in his position, and you can tell that if you slipped up once, ONCE, you'd be fucked.
The system is fucking broken to begin with, and I'm a believer that the way you deal with it is a huge part in defining you in a person. You can either bend over and let the system fuck you in the ass like Jeff, or you can have the gall to think that maybe, just maybe, the system is flawed and/or not for the good of the people.

I have no idea how you can be so complacent, Jeff. But fair enough.

Hey, fuck you dude. :wave:


I'm fine with how I am as a person; I don't have the time and energy to go to a fucking airport and purposefully antagonize a goddamn TSA officer because I think homeland security isn't doing an adequate job. I can be complacent because it doesn't really affect me besides when I travel, and even then not that much since I'm not doing shit I'm not supposed to be doing in the first place. Not to mention that I know by choosing to live within these borders means I've agreed to live by the laws set up. I may not like all of them, but it sure as hell beats the alternative.
I fail to see how posting my Year 11 school photo is going to either offend me your put forth your opinion in a manner that will make me understand why you're such a complacent asshole :)

And the thing is, even if you're not doing something you're not supposed to be doing, they have the right to detain you, search your shit, and do all that body scanning hoo-ha. Even if it doesn't affect you because your mommy raised you to be a good boy, there's still the fact that they have the right to do these things on pure suspicion. Doesn't that come across as a little fucked to you?
Just as they have the right to do all this nasty shit, we have the right and the ABILITY to question these things. How do you think society will ever advance if you just bend the fuck over and take what the Government wants to give you? Things will never get better if you do not question them and criticise them.
Ah finally, there we have it - a civil response. :)

But really; I'm not letting anything fuck me in the ass. I avoid the anal rapage altogether by making sure my asshole is covered at all times. Turns out, keeping it covered takes far less energy than complaining about being fucked after the fact!
:lol::lol::lol: I can't tell you guys how many times I've wanted to post pictures of people that piss me off, but my maturity always tempered such things - glad I can at least reap the lulz of other people not having the same restraint :D