Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

I guess you've never been arbitrarily harassed by the cops before? Well, I have (for a number of years, it was almost daily), and I applaud his efforts.

Thanks for posting Glenn. Most people do not realize that they are being conditioned to give up their rights, its called incrementalism. People are slowly allowing the shackles to be placed on them under the guise of security.
I think ol Ben summed it up along time ago.

""Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Benjamin Franklin
I had 2 luggage cases for checked-baggage to go under the plane. 1 of then was over the weight-limit and I paid a fine for the excess weight. The black woman behind the counter became extremely rude when she had to print out an extra sticker stating my luggage was excessive weight

And her race was relevant because...?

I keed, I keed. ;)
yeah gary, seriously.... your rant is ridiculous. first of all, if it was "against the rules" to bring bags over 50lbs there wouldn't be a fee... they would be disallowed, period. it's perfectly within the rules to have overweight bags, you just have to pay the fee, and your insinuation that heavy bags are purposely fucked with, after these fees have already been paid and appropriate stickers applied to the bags... well, it's just insulting, retarded, and belies a sense of entitlement that i always expected bag-handlers were afflicted with, to decide for themselves how well or poorly they intend to do their job.

i travel with heavy bags all the time, and i pay the fees... and i've had shit broken, and the airline pays for it. if bag-handlers do actually work for low pay, as you insinuated, perhaps the ridiculous insurance that your employers have to keep to pay for damaged bags is part of the reason why,

nothing personal dude, but i'm with the others... shut your cry-hole and do your job.
Yeah im pretty much gonna have to agree with everyone else on this topic...gary, you think that type of job sucks, go work a construction job or some other job in a phsyical labor field, if you start whining about 50+ lbs being too heavy youll either get laughed at by the rest of the workers, fired, or get told to man up and lift it and get it over with. trying to lift a 100lb bag and ending up with herniated disks is your own fault. 100 lbs is not trickery, the second you go to get it off the ground you should have sensed "hm this ones a little heavy" and then readjusted and lifted it properly, its nobodies fault but your own for making a mistake like that. It's a little something we like to call "common sense"
This kind of negates the whole argument. You can't complain about body scanners and then waltz around the airport recording security checkpoints.

It's fucking suspicious as hell video taping security, everyone knows this. Responding in an uncooperative manner when asked why your doing something so obviously suspicious just makes it worse.

I just watched three videos of some guy wanting to prove something, but I only saw him prove that if you act strange with the TSA, you will get grilled and searched - and that's just common sense.

Security is always a compromise. We are trading privacy for safety and security. It's obvious to me that full body scanners would give one an advantage in identifying potential threats that otherwise wouldn't be detected. I don't give a shit, if it helps out, go for it. I'm not really all that worried about my flight being hijacked, if it happens - it happens, but if there's a way to reduce that possibility then I don't mind submitting some n00dz. Big deal, who cares.? There are naked shots of me on the internet and more people are gonna see that shit than anyone that sees low res security scans.

I meant 'fine' as in legally without consequence for now, not 'fine' as in 'it's really not creepy at all'.

As far as the compromise... we're trading our privacy, but for an illusion - not safety. That's the point here.

I don't think this guy had the right approach to the subject, but it does show just how little power we have over things anymore - regardless of reason.

We're not in "Equilibrium" just yet so we can't treat people as government-humping zombies that hate the general public, but on the other hand we have to realize we're smelling an awful lot like an oligarchy.