Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

Here's the problem - the last thing we need, with the *illusion* of security being passed around instead of any focus on the real thing being found, is the mindset you promoted above. If you want to see security, defend security - not snake oil. What you are defending is, largely, as good for safety as homeopathy is for health.

The first paragraph is unrelated because the issue is not the innocents' deaths but the existence of ideas of the form 'if you're not doing something wrong, you have nothing to worry about', which are wrong in so many of the cases they're applied. It doesn't look like you've gotten the point if you see a comparison between that and firefighters.

ok thing is this is an airport and this guy is acting suspicious, and hes doing it on purpose to see how people respond. .

Running a video camera is hardly suspicious. They do exist in quite plentiful numbers these days. It's important to videotape, and it's perfectly legal on both sides of the border.

Of course, the RCMP at the Vancouver airport aren't exactly fond of cameras now, are they? Especially since they confiscated this:

What's more, while the tape was still on lockdown, they lied to the public about the circumstances. After gettting a court order to release the tape, the video shows a very different story than the bullshit the RCMP fed the public.

from wikipedia
Before the video was released to the public, the RCMP repeatedly claimed that only three officers were at the scene. There were actually four officers at the scene.[12] The RCMP also said that they did not use pepper spray because of the risk it would have posed to bystanders. The video, however, suggests the incident occurred in an area separated from bystanders by a glass wall.[12] An RCMP spokesperson also stated that batons were not used,[16] which was also contradicted by the video.[23]


I see it's already been discussed.
Did anyone watch the 3rd video? That's so fucking RIDICULOUS that they can just take naked pics of anyone , all the time. Seriously what is next? Are they gonna shoot me to make sure I'm not a terrorist cyborg?
Running a video camera is hardly suspicious. They do exist in quite plentiful numbers these days. It's important to videotape, and it's perfectly legal on both sides of the border.

Generally no running a video camera is not a suspicious act, but when you have a guy filming airport security and operations that's a completely different matter. If they didnt at least inquire into the nature of his recordings they wouldnt be doing a very good job would they?
On filming... in a public place, with 'no expectation of privacy' as the mindbogglingly vague expression goes, filming is fine.

This kind of negates the whole argument. You can't complain about body scanners and then waltz around the airport recording security checkpoints.

It's fucking suspicious as hell video taping security, everyone knows this. Responding in an uncooperative manner when asked why your doing something so obviously suspicious just makes it worse.

I just watched three videos of some guy wanting to prove something, but I only saw him prove that if you act strange with the TSA, you will get grilled and searched - and that's just common sense.

Security is always a compromise. We are trading privacy for safety and security. It's obvious to me that full body scanners would give one an advantage in identifying potential threats that otherwise wouldn't be detected. I don't give a shit, if it helps out, go for it. I'm not really all that worried about my flight being hijacked, if it happens - it happens, but if there's a way to reduce that possibility then I don't mind submitting some n00dz. Big deal, who cares.? There are naked shots of me on the internet and more people are gonna see that shit than anyone that sees low res security scans.
Diggin' the new sig Glenn :rock::D

Aside from the fact that it gave me a chuckle, it's also quite sadly true.
An adult can consentually smoke a joint and they're a criminal yet they can be killed by a trigger happy cop with a god complex because he has a shiny metal badge for doing nothing at all. Fucked, ain't it?
The guy feels the need to plaster his videos with the same moronic sound-track that all propaganda films tend to have; the tense string section.. the orchestral percussion.. ooooo look, it's another episode of Lost!

Pfft. It's bullshit. He wanted to create a scene so he could film it, and go "there they are! Doing bad shit!"

It's analogous to entrapment.
I did find the strings and such a bit stupid. Made it harder to listen to the actual fucking conversation, the inflections in people's voices, etc.
It's propaganda man, plain and simple. It's the video equivalent of a conversational anecdote; and cannot be used to make objective scientific statements about airport security, or the TSA in general. At a stretch, it could be used to made points about the agents in specific... but even then... people's temperament, whether they got laid the night before.. etc.. etc.. all of that can easily explain their irritation. Esp. when the guy was being deliberately obtuse.

He wasn't doing research; bear that in mind.
Bravo :notworthy
The original 3 videos were WELL worth the time spent watching them and to be honest, I'm going to tell a bunch of people I know to watch the videos, also.

I've experienced the same bullshit, actually and without doing anything wrong, whatsoever.
Experience 1) I had 2 luggage cases for checked-baggage to go under the plane. 1 of then was over the weight-limit and I paid a fine for the excess weight. The black woman behind the counter became extremely rude when she had to print out an extra sticker stating my luggage was excessive weight and after the transaction and I was walking away, I heard her start talking on a walkie-talkie radio, although I didn't take notice of what she was saying. Upon my arrival at the destination, that particular case was badly damaged, beyond reasonable "wear and tear due to travel". There were distinct blade marks cut into multiple spots of the material, one of the handles was completely removed with only pieces of the handle-base left attached. The contents (my server computer) was BADLY damaged including plastic fans being forcefully removed. The PSU appeared to be ripped out of the back while still connected internally to hard drives, the motherboard, etc.
With a pre-printed note stating that TSA reserves the right to check any suspicious bags based on a new terrorist act and that mine just so happened to be routinely checked.
Experience 2) Standing in cue at an International Airport a gaurd was patrolling up and down the line staring everyone from head to toe. During his partol he approached me and stopped walking only staring me directly in the face. It was pretty uncomfortable because he was obviously invading my personal space and carrying a gun. I asked if I could help him and he demanded to see my ID and boarding pass. I presented my US passport and boarding pass and he then walked over to another machine/station and requested it to be "opened to speed the line of people along". Wouldn't you know it, he directed me to this newly opened x-ray machine and then proceeded to pick me, and only me out of the line of 30+ people to do an intensive search of my bag, emptying all of my stuff in front of everyone and talking quite loudly creating a scene questioning what I had in the bag and why. During his search I was informed that I was not allowed to touch my bag or reach inside it "for his safety" as he proceeded to be careless with my things even though I had instructed him they were expensive electronics with very important and personal files stored on them. (Thankfully I had backed up my server the day before I left for all this bullshit).
After everything was said and done, he proceeded to let me know how lucky I am. (I still dont know what that was supposed to mean and can only figure that it was some idle threat of sorts).
He then wouldn't let me put my things bag in my bag until he stepped away a few feet and declared the area as safe. It caused a pretty big scene and everyone within listening distance was staring at me because of it.
Catching my next flight was more important than attempting to file harassment charges against the idiot because I was on my way here, to Australia, to be with my (then) wife-to-be.

These people seem to feel comfortable abusing the power given to them and I am certain it is because the public allows them to get away with it.

So BRAVO, to the dude who filmed them and I am more than glad to know I'm not alone in feeling the way I do towards those assholes.
^ok im sorry but anyone who checks in anything of value at an airport is fucking stupid. I worked as a rampie loading planes for 2 years and honestly nobody whos making minimum wage gives a fuck about a fragile sticker. second there are weight restrictions for a reason not just because of the extra fuel costs but because people get hurt when u have to lift bags that weight over 50lbs. and im speaking from experience im allmost 21 an have 2 herniated disks because of some fucker who decided to put over 100lbs in a bag. and the fucker had the nerve to get mad that his handles broke off. So im sorry but im prety jaded about airline passengers. Seriously IF YOU DONT LIKE THE RULES THEN DONT FUCKING FLY!!! its that simple drive swim or fucking walk i dont care and neither does anyone else so quite bitching, cuz we remember fuckers who bitch and the next time they travel their shit gets fucked with.
Dude, that's ridiculous, you're seriously complaining about a bag over 50 pounds? Of course a job like that is gonna require heavy lifting, so use your legs - and to imply that people who have heavy things they need to bring deserve to have their shit fucked with is ridiculous, why the hell are these people baggage handlers if they're a bunch of pussies? :Spin:
50 lbs is fine im saying that is the amount where over weight fees ussualy start to be charged im talking about 100lb pound bags, especially when your dealing with hundreds of bags and are on a tight time limit, remeber we also have passeners bitching to get their bags as fast as possible this means using proper body mechanics is not always possible. its not that their all pussies it is that if your allways bitching about faster service yet expect us to do that with bags that weigh rediculous amounts.
Who put a gun to your head, gary666 and forced you into that line of work? I'd say they're the douche bag responsible for your herniated disks.
Oh, and the sticker on my luggage wasn't Fragile Contents... it was Team Lift, because of the weight. Those stickers say Team Lift for a reason and if you cant obey the rules, dont work in a job that requires you to ask for help to avoid hurting yourself because, honestly, I dont give a shit if your dumbass wants to be macho man randy savage and throw up a 100lb suitcase making 7 dollars an hour. I'm pretty sure not many other passengers would really care if you enjoy your job, either so shut up, quit bitching and do your job.
Ass :lol: