LID "In the mushroom" 2002 reedition


Feb 27, 2002
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Peaceville has reedited LID In the mushroom in digipak and w a bonus track (a beatles cover "Don't let me Down") previously available only on the Peaceville X anniversary compilation I think.

LID are a sideproject by singer Eric Wagner (Trouble) voice, Danny Cavanagh guitar, Timothy reeves bass and Tommy reeves at drums.

Wagner voice is really amazing! That reminds me that I have to buy some of the Trouble albums... fuck, I've heard of them so many times and I have never listened to their stuff :cry:
THX for the tips.

I will check out "Psalm 9" and "Manic Frustration" as soons as I can put my hands on one of those albums.
yeah, then when u sign to a label! oh god, thats just completely selling out..underground is where its at, evil, satanic, death, doom funeral chaotic destructive metal ho ho ho..
I'm formed a ********* metal band and we don't even know what we're called cos our logo will be unreadable and the band member who designed it has comitted suicide by impaling himself on a spatula...we don't know what instrument he played cos we never rehearse.

We can't organise rehearsals cos we don't know each others identidy ( cos we always wear korpse paint and use names like baron grinnkrahhgugle) Actually I'm not even sure if I'm still in the band

we're going to eventually record one practice session in a church at midnight and then burn oursleves and the tapes in the church. We will be underground heroes.
Originally posted by Bambi
We will be underground heroes.

too late, you could have been underground heroes but you mentionned the project so you're just sell outs now :mad:
the band saw my post and agree with you, I sold them out..unless I kill everyone who read this thread I'll be kicked outta the band :(

sorry guys but I'll be payin y'all visits over the next few days...I'll try make it painless