Life is so very strange...


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
So yeah... I just finished my sophomore year in college... and I am transfering (From American U in DC, to Millsaps College in Mississippi) , I was not doin so hot in DC, and definitly needed a change... So now I am getting ready to start school again in the fall. My major at AU, was Pre-Law (or Justice, as they like to call it)... now it is Studio Art.. with a focus on Illustration and Painting. Big change. I love to paint, and I love to draw and such, but havent really had formal training at all. I feel like if I do this I will be more likely to succeed because its something that I very much want to learn how to do (or do better... but I dont think I currently am any good, haha).. Im a bit anxious, because i have basicly 2and 1/2 years left to get to a professional level at something that I really dont have too much experience with. I am hoping that intrest and effort will win out, along with perhaps a bit of talent...

I dont really know why I'm posting this... Im just freaking out...haha.. Justice was so much more secure...
Oh it was rad, dont get me wrong. The school just wasnt where I needed to be (their art program is beyond bad... millsaps isnt like wonderful or anything.. but americans was pathetic), and dorm life = bad grades for me. also there were prollems with alcahol and such.. and the fact that I have a hard time not drinking it.... but that is an excuse too often used.
MS xfer, MS.

being happy is more important than being secure! I"m sure everything will fall into place. An you can always do more school if you want to go back after you get your art degree.
aye... i was thinkin along the same lines as yall. But not xfer. I like all places.. even the south and midwest.. but I dont plan on being here any longer than it takes me to get out of school.. I like to move every 3 years or so.