Strange phenomenon


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Apr 11, 2002
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I have this uncanny power of choosing the absolute worst line to stand in. Mostly cash register lines, but it spills over into traffic lanes, ticket lines, etc.

Case in point: 4 minutes ago, got some coffee at the cafeteria downstairs, which is overflowing with lunch people. I stand at the (then) only open cash register, which has a line on either side of her. There are two other unopened cash registers. 6 people in line at this single open cash register, three on each side. I watch a guy fill his cup of coffee and sugar/cream it while standing there. A second cash register opens, the far side from where i am, and people move over to it. At this point, i'm next in line, with a guy buying pizza in front of me. Pizza guy takes so long leaving that the guy who was filling his coffee this whole time i was in line had time to walk to the other side and be served before me. By the time i am through the line, there is only 1 person in line at both registers.

I just had the most wonderful DMV experience. In and out in 30 minutes!! That is so fast. And the lady that helped me with my license renewal didn't even make me retake the written exam which you are supposed to if you let your license expire (which I did).

Hello, my name is happy.
I had a really quick DMV license-renewal experience last Friday, and my picture turned out really well too.

Kitty Star, did they make you show proof of presence (ie. birth certificate or other such documentation) because of your license expiration?
No they didn't. But I imagine they weren't giving me a very hard time because it has only been expired since Friday. Plus I told the lady that I didn't receive the thing in the mail that reminds you to get it renewed, so she was being nice about it.
because in order to circumvent the aggravation of a DMV, Massachusetts' politicians took the brilliant step of calling our department of motor vehicles the "registry of motor vehicles".

hence, now we hate the RMV, and DMVs are A-OK.
Alex I tire of your word play. It's a DMV. I have to say, though at least in certain branches the RMV is a step above the other DMVs I've been to. Changing my license/reg to CA took me 6 HOURS in MA it took me 45 min