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AnvilSnake said:
I think you're still missing the point to our arguement to your first post. We don't believe that the bible (at least I don't, and I'm quite sure this may also apply for a few others here) is, not only a work of fact, but that we should live our lives to the character, Jesus' example. I do not believe that just because a few people wrote about a man who lived 2000 years ago, we should follow this person's life and live like him. The problem with having a small child answer a question (I'm still unsure of what question you're posing in the first place) is that a small child's beliefs and answers are only as expansive as his influences of parents/guardians, etc. They only belief in what they're told and thats as far as their belief system is until they're able to look outside the box, and realize that life goes far beyond their parents.
the bible is so totally obviously fake, but even if it were real it prolly wouldn't be completely acurate, there would still be some personal biases creeping into whatever the people wrote, even if the writings were "devinely inspired"

most of the things in the old testament are comepletely mind-bogling unless you either accept it as fantasy or believe that the judeo-christian "God" is infact an extraterestrial (which is a possibility that is believed by scientists talking about it on the history channel)

i believe a guy named "Jesus" was born in the city of Nazereth but, the idea of Jesus of Nazereth being half-deity/half-human is comepletely ludicrous but also eerily similar to stories that the general public intuitively recognizes as fantasy how can we believe in the idea of Jesus "performing miracles" and yet also recognize that the much more plauseable stories in "mythology" are merely "fantasy"???

the reason christianity still exists today is partially because there are still people that never become psychologically cappable of "looking outside the box" and "religion" as it exists today is really nothing more than a multi-generational cult

the other reason christianity still exists is because of "trigger events" where something so traumatic happens that the weak-minded person can't continue living their life without a deity because they are unfamiliar with nihilism/chaos theory or any of the other philosophies that would enable a traumatized person to be able to cope with the trauma, for these people they're sudden belief in "Christ" is in fact a variation of "Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome"
I like the Christian message of love, respect and forgiveness. I was brought up a Catholic.
I just can't blindly follow some book that was written and hold it as the absolute truth. Don't get me wrong, I like the bible, they're great stories with moral values. But Jesus was only one of many claiming to be the messiah, or so I have been told in my Judaïsm, Christendom and Islam course.
I refuse to put any person on a pedestal for saying "I am the son of God" or "I bring you the word of God" simply because i do not believ that. I don't believe in a divine entity who has had anything to do with creating life.
I even have a hard time believing there is something as concrete as 'the soul'. Maybe man is just a well functioning machine of evolution. Maybe I'm not even really a person, just another organism experiencing pleasure and pain.

the bible is so totally obviously fake, but even if it were real it prolly wouldn't be completely acurate, there would still be some personal biases creeping into whatever the people wrote, even if the writings were "devinely inspired"

I seriously wonder how you would explain "fake". And if having personal biases would determine the authenticity of a book, there would be no authentic credible book since every book is based on personal bias.
And the bible has been put together over hundreds of years, there are many different versions. So talking about 'the bible' is like talking about 'the book of maths', there are dozens and dozens.
This thread is going nowhere, and we have already discussed in alarming detail, the veracity of the bible in a previous searchable thread on this board.

Xicor, I'm sorry for doing this, but your addition of a question to this thread did nothing to help it along.

Please, once again, post threads that have a question, and not ridiculously nebulous questions.
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