Lightning has struck twice...

Suspyre is pretty rocking I have their disc and its gotten a lot of plays since I got it.

They were my suggestion for a pre-show band but they'd also be a welcome band for the main fest. :rock:

Harvester said:
A band that currently has no record label (and only released one disc on a very small label previously) has sent me their new album. It has kicked my ass like nothing else has in a while. I have listened to this disc non-stop for three days now.

Band #1 for ProgPower USA VIII has been confirmed as of today. I'm sure that 95% of the people on this forum are going to say "who?"


P.S. The last time something similar to this happened, things turned out ok I believe... *cough*CircusMaximus*cough.
Fuck yes! I'm in the 5% on something. Finally. It's Payne's Gray! I knew you could bring them back. You are the man. I am so there. Now don't argue with me about Infinity. It was just a demo and doesn't count. You tell the guys that I can supply the cats.
Joe-× said:
Fuck yes! I'm in the 5% on something. Finally. It's Payne's Gray! I knew you could bring them back. You are the man. I am so there. Now don't argue with me about Infinity. It was just a demo and doesn't count. You tell the guys that I can supply the cats.

General Zod said:
Does that mean it's definitely them? No. Is it most likely? That's where I'd put my money.

There are hundreds of bands out there that fit the clues as well as Syspyre, that people here are less likely to have heard of. I've never listened to Suspyre, but I've seen them mentioned here countless times. Add to that the fact that they've been on the last two ProgPower samplers... why would Glenn suggest that only 5% of people here have heard of them if they've repeatedly been on his samplers?

Actually, Joe's suggestion of Payne's Gray makes more sense. :lol:
booB said:
There are hundreds of bands out there that fit the clues as well as Syspyre, that people here are less likely to have heard of. I've never listened to Suspyre, but I've seen them mentioned here countless times. Add to that the fact that they've been on the last two ProgPower samplers... why would Glenn suggest that only 5% of people here have heard of them if they've repeatedly been on his samplers?

Actually, Joe's suggestion of Payne's Gray makes more sense. :lol:
Too true, though I really hope they make it to Atlanta next year. And Dark Empire. I've become addicted to their cd. I have no guesses at this point who he's talking about.
General Zod said:
"Buzz"? I disagree. Just because they're mentioned now and again doesn't equate to "buzz". There's been one thread on them this year (where they're the subject of the thread). Most people don't pay to attention to every thread.

In addition, you need to consider the clues:

A band that currently has no record label (and only released one disc on a very small label previously) has sent me their new album.

Suspyre has one release, on a small label, with a second in the can waiting for release. They're also touring with Zero Hour, so it's more than likely that Glenn is familiar with them. In addition, they fit ProgPower flawlessly. A perfect balance of Prog and Power. Lastly, they're from NJ. Which mean Glenn doesn't even have to pay for plane tickets, much less international plane tickets.

Does that mean it's definitely them? No. Is it most likely? That's where I'd put my money.


There may have only been one Suspyre thread, I'll take your word for it, but they have appeared in more than a few threads since the last sampler. With a second appearance on this year's sampler they should hardly be unknown to this forum. I submit that you're overlooking the most significant clue:

Harvester said:
Band #1 for ProgPower USA VIII has been confirmed as of today. I'm sure that 95% of the people on this forum are going to say "who?"

With that criteria it stands to reason that any frontrunner in the speculation will almost automatically be wrong.

Edit: Suspyre has appeared in 33 threads in the last year
General Zod said:
I'll also guess Suspyre. Their first disc is phenomenal. And they would be a flawless fit for ProgPower.


I would not have guessed Suspyre but agree the the first disc is phenomenal.
I checked out Suspyre on MySpace..and even had them on my friends list for a while...then they started up with the on the hour every hour spam one day and when I made mention of it the attitude I got in reponse was enough to turn me off of them forever. If it's Suspyre...guess I have a band to CD shop to.

Of course I'm racking my brain trying to place guesses

Given that Beyond Ear Candy has been plugging the Suspyre disc for a few months, it may be a stretch for him to have only recieved a copy or heard the stuff just this week, meaning it's probably someone else. I think a more than just 5% of us know who Suspyre is. That said though, they would be a great opener for Friday or Saturday!
J-Dubya 777 said:
Hmmmm I'll come out of WAYY left field and say "Carnivora".....


Sorry bud but they dont fit the description. Carnivora has 2 CD's out and FaceFront Records while not too known here, is a more known label in Norway.

On top of that after Tore Moren being at PP with Jorn, Im sure the word has gotten out even more on his band Carnivora.