Lightning has struck twice...

Harvester said:
A band that currently has no record label (and only released one disc on a very small label previously) has sent me their new album. It has kicked my ass like nothing else has in a while. I have listened to this disc non-stop for three days now.

Band #1 for ProgPower USA VIII has been confirmed as of today. I'm sure that 95% of the people on this forum are going to say "who?"


P.S. The last time something similar to this happened, things turned out ok I believe... *cough*CircusMaximus*cough.

please send me an mp3 of the group for label consideration,
Perhaps we can time it right for a PPVIII release

I'll keep your secret...after all, we can't have the people knowing
Oh goodness, look at all the speculation fly. This is nuts! I personally don't want to know for sure yet - the anticipation is deliciously fun.
mtndewqueen88 said:
Oh goodness, look at all the speculation fly. This is nuts! I personally don't want to know for sure yet - the anticipation is deliciously fun.

lol... you haven't been in this forum during "hint time" yet, have you?
Harvester said:
A band that currently has no record label (and only released one disc on a very small label previously) has sent me their new album. It has kicked my ass like nothing else has in a while. I have listened to this disc non-stop for three days now.

Band #1 for ProgPower USA VIII has been confirmed as of today. I'm sure that 95% of the people on this forum are going to say "who?"


P.S. The last time something similar to this happened, things turned out ok I believe... *cough*CircusMaximus*cough.

Hmmmm... that scenario sounds familiar, I can only hope that they get the break that they deserve.
Bryan316 said:
I'm gonna go waaaay out on a limb here...

...and say that none of us have yet mentioned the correct band, and none of us will.

I'm sure you're safe out there. That's one stout limb you're on.
Let's see...Lightning has struck twice....
Ozzy has a song called "Lightning Strikes"
Ozzy and Sharon host Ozzfest each year.
Wicked Wisdom performed on Ozzfest 2005.
They have one album out on a smaller label.
