Lightning Thread...

Souls of Black

Thrashing Tempest
Jul 2, 2002
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Man o' Man... We had one, nay three intense lightning storms come through NE Ohio tonight.

Does anyone else have a facination (extreme in my case) with lightninig? This shit mezmorizes me. I spent the last three hours watching this storm and drooling over the close hits.

I was not filming, or taking pic's, but I would like to make this an official thread of talking lightning or sharing pics of.

Please discuss......
I love them Reese, facinating they are.

I would love to see some pic's from others. My damn camera was dead at the time of this storm, blah.
Hiya Karen. :kickass:

Yes it has been awhile, I have been working like a dog, not a lot of time to log on and post. I am doing good tho, just got my yearly review at work. It appears that I am going to get promoted in 6 months. Which is really big for me. This time I actually get into management. So all my hard work and travel have paid off, I am stoked! Once I get the promo, I can actually stop traveling so much, and quit working such stupid hours (had about 80 last week).

How are you doing? Traveling? etc?