lights out effect?

Winamp strangely hits ' Terminal ' as i'm coming to the conclusion that I'm in a dead-end and totally blinded,fooled but still in love :erk: not for long now i hope ...
Dhatura said:
Btw, "Lights Out" is 9/10 in the Hungarian Metal Hammer magazine (well, Hammerworld magazine, for that matter).

what the fuck! how do you know about a magazine from a not-sure-can-exist-so-far-in-the-east country?! Man, you are suspicious...

about sex: I cant do it being in utter despair. (but e.g. Tricky's Maxinquaye usually turns me on.. and maybe.. after all it's possible when depressed because I like it listening to Portishead, too..)
dhatura, lebuktál baze :)
your icq details show you're from a place you know where it is...
Oh, retreaving information from ICQ details. Very sneaky, very sneaky...
