The 'Opeth Effect'

my sweet old etcetera
aunt lucy during the recent

war could and what
is more did tell you just
what everybody was fighting

my sister

isabel created hundreds
hundreds)of socks not to
mention shirts fleaproof earwarmers

etcetera wristers etcetera, my
mother hoped that

i would die etcetera
bravely of course my father used
to become hoarse talking about how it was
a privilege and if only he
could meanwhile my

self etcetera lay quietly
in the deep mud et

cetera, of
Your smile
eyes knees and of your Etcetera)

This is one of my favourite poems, by e. e. cummings. I still say the point is not in the story but how it's told.
this is close to the subject, so:

bambi said about opeth being unknown until they signed to mfn. and then it is rather odd that so many people are liking the first albums most (morningrise, my arms your hearse, even Orchid)...

they must think that theyre cool
Allan said:
And I suppose all you people are strong minded enough to say you are never influenced by other people's opinion?

And that is a good thing?

Of course its a good thing not to be influenced by other peoples opinions. Look at the hysteria in Germany around the second world war - all of a sudden its great to shoot 5 year old kids in the face as long as theyre jewish, the whole country went fecking bonkers. Ive seen photos of some jewish lad mustve been about 6 years old waiting in a line to get executed and the poor little lad doesnt even understand whats going on. Some twisted German dude put a gun to the kids head and pulled the trigger no doubt without a hint of remorse, but thats okay see coz at the time everyone else was saying it rocked. The HITLER effect
Mick Moss said:
Of course its a good thing not to be influenced by other peoples opinions. Look at the hysteria in Germany around the second world war - all of a sudden its great to shoot 5 year old kids in the face as long as theyre jewish, the whole country went fecking bonkers. Ive seen photos of some jewish lad mustve been about 6 years old waiting in a line to get executed and the poor little lad doesnt even understand whats going on. Some twisted German dude put a gun to the kids head and pulled the trigger no doubt without a hint of remorse, but thats okay see coz at the time everyone else was saying it rocked. The HITLER effect

Don't you think you quoted me a bit out of context there?
how many units did orchid and morningrise shift before they signed to mfn?? :Smug:

this is the point here mariner.......................*

and this is you completely missing it.......................................................................................:loco:

Allan said:
And I guess Bush is great 'cause he went and bombed the shit out of Afghanistan and Iraq without listening to world opinion.
Actually he didn't bomb out the shit out of those countries. Soldiers did and they didn't destroy / kill everything / body. World opinion wasn't any better. People are ignorant and stupid. Leaders from countries like France thinked only their own interests - previous oil deals with Iraq that's it. Hypocritical we all are though I'm not sorry when Saddam is / was eliminated.
and i guess gallileo was a twat for ignoring everyones opinion.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to
himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable

Bambi said:
and i guess gallileo was a twat for ignoring everyones opinion.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to
himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable
That's nice. Another version of this is when a wise man and a stupid man argues the wise man always give up. That's why stupid people dominate this world.
"Ignorance is strength".
I'm glad Saddam is gone too, but I'm affraid life won't be better for the Iraquis without him. The justification for war in Iraq was weapons of mass destruction, and that was bullshit all along.

I guess I think the really reasonable man tries to see whether he should adapt himself to the world or try to adapt the world to him.

When I said world opinion I wasn't just talking about governments. And who are we to judge France's motives for being against the war (although my guess is Har is right), it's so easy to be negative.
Allan said:
"Ignorance is strength".
I'm glad Saddam is gone too, but I'm affraid life won't be better for the Iraquis without him. The justification for war in Iraq was weapons of mass destruction, and that was bullshit all along.
Of course that weapons of mass destruction was bullshit all along.

It's hard to say what's going to happen. I'm not that fond of Americans spending time in Iraq but I'm afraid if people in Iraq are left alone it's all hell and chaos. Shia-muslims are probably taking the control and what good is that going to bring? Iran is quite bad example.
Mick Moss said:
Of course its a good thing not to be influenced by other peoples opinions. Look at the hysteria in Germany around the second world war - all of a sudden its great to shoot 5 year old kids in the face as long as theyre jewish, the whole country went fecking bonkers. Ive seen photos of some jewish lad mustve been about 6 years old waiting in a line to get executed and the poor little lad doesnt even understand whats going on. Some twisted German dude put a gun to the kids head and pulled the trigger no doubt without a hint of remorse, but thats okay see coz at the time everyone else was saying it rocked. The HITLER effect

I think it's a bit simplified this way -- there's no unanimous hatred, not everyone else was saying it rocked back then either. It's just they wanted to stay alive, so they shut their mouth cause it wasn't their finger that was on the trigger. Hungarians clapped for the commies cause after 1956 loads of people who didn't favour them were killed/deported or simply disappeared. Survival is the first thing, morality or whatever shit follows only after that.
Har* said:
It's hard to say what's going to happen. I'm not that fond of Americans spending time in Iraq but I'm afraid if people in Iraq are left alone it's all hell and chaos. Shia-muslims are probably taking the control and what good is that going to bring? Iran is quite bad example.

It's a rotten situation and it's hard to see it turning out ok.

A funny note, in a real tragic kind of way, is that we've got Danish soldiers down there. We even took part in the war with a submarine and a corvette, the corvette didn't get there in time though, the war was over by the time it passed the Suez channel!

I hate my guvernment.
Allan said:
It's a rotten situation and it's hard to see it turning out ok.

A funny note, in a real tragic kind of way, is that we've got Danish soldiers down there. We even took part in the war with a submarine and a corvette, the corvette didn't get there in time though, the war was over by the time it passed the Suez channel!
Morals aside it was probably a good idea from Denmark to support the war. Business wise at least.