Line 6 Toneport UX2 - ASIO Buffer Size


May 24, 2005
Is there anyway to get the ASIO buffer size for UX2 to less than 128? That is the lowest option I have. It wasn't a big deal with guitar but now I have an E-Kit at home and I can detect a slight latency. Nothing terrible but enough to piss me off when I'm doing buzz rolls.
nope your stuck at 128!...unless you want to start writing code for the toneport to start running at 64 but i really cant see anyone doing that. perhaps the actual properties of the toneport just dont allow it. sorry mate!

but it might just be your computer is running a lot of shite causing the latency (extra applications, stuff running in the background) or that your running a vst / au and monitoring back through the computer in which case it is inevitable you will get a small amount of latency.