Line2Amp - cheap Reamp kit or pre-built


arsehole know-it-all
Jan 1, 2008
Hey Guys
Sorry for the spam but I think you'll like this.

I want you to have a look at my friend's new product the Line2Amp.

It is an affordable reamp kit that includes everything you need and takes about an hour to build. It's also a pretty easy build so its a great way to get into soldering and DIY audio gear.

Pre-built units are also available.


We just shot it out against the Radial ProRMP on the latest Home Recording Show and it was very close and it's only half the price.

Here's the podcast
we compared it with clean, dirty guitars and bass, each into a different amp. It did very well in all situations.

Both the kit and pre-bult are in a pre-order stage while the transformers come back in stock.

Go here for the prebuilt Line2Amp $65
Go here for the DIY kit $45 on sale now.

You may also be interested in the Line2Pre which is designed to go from line to mic level to re-preamp your tracks.
Any chance your promo code still works? Might give this a shot. If I can replace my X-Amp with it, all the better. That thing pisses me off :p

*edit* Looks like they're sold out :erk:
read the comments here for the code

Looks like the remaining stock of assembled Rev B units is gone. I have a Rev C in a Rev B case IIRC. I own the one that was reviewed on the show.

The next round of LINE2AMPs will ship on January 10th, 2012. Shipping: $8.95 USPS Priority worldwide.

I don't make any commission on these in case you're wondering. Just trying to help a friend get his DIY kit business going.
Oh shit, without even seeing this thread I just bought one of the DIY kits off of eBay last night (it was $35, so I assume this will be the most up-to-date version?), cool to see some positive endorsement of it here, and you better believe I'll be testing the fuck out of it!