Line2Amp - cheap Reamp kit or pre-built

You're right, in most cases the output will be quieter than that from your guitar. Here's why:

The volume loss is a result of using a fairly high-ratio transformer (8.2:1). I experimented with a lower-ratio transformer (4.1:1) originally but found the output to be a touch too hot, so I would need to add either a volume pot or output pad to the circuit. I decided to go with the higher ratio one to make the kit as easy as possible to build (no need for a pot or output resistors) and because BONUS! the output of the 8.2:1 transformer is also the right impedance to go to a mic preamp.

The trade off was losing some gain, but with a healthy input level I found there to be plenty of signal for every application I tried out.
That's nicely cleared up for me then, it wasn't an annoyance or anything - I just wanted to make sure I hadn't screwed up somewhere.

Thanks again for the reply, I plan on plenty more DIY builds!
Honestly, I'm finding it's a pretty big problem for me - I did a comparison where I plugged my guitar into the Countryman Type 85 I just got, and fed the DI into my interface and the inst. out to my amp. Then, I tried re-amping the same DI's using the L2A, but even after normalizing the DI's 100%, it still wasn't saturated enough even with the amp gain on max - kind of a deal-breaker for high-gain applications I'm afraid! :/
Honestly, I'm finding it's a pretty big problem for me - I did a comparison where I plugged my guitar into the Countryman Type 85 I just got, and fed the DI into my interface and the inst. out to my amp. Then, I tried re-amping the same DI's using the L2A, but even after normalizing the DI's 100%, it still wasn't saturated enough even with the amp gain on max - kind of a deal-breaker for high-gain applications I'm afraid! :/


I've gotta crank the output for it to work correctly. My first transformer but was a bum. Put peterson sent a replacement out asap.
Yup, mono output from the interface (and in the DAW), faders at 0 (but normalized the DI's, as mentioned) - same method (and same interface) I used to successfully re-amp countless times with my Redeye back when I had it and my old amp rig a couple of years ago. I'll post the comparison clips when I get home tonight, don't think it's cuz of a bad transformer (since it was full-range, just wimpier), and I'm certain I wired it right.
Sounds like you're doing everything completely right, that's just the nature of the tradeoff--the L2A has more attenuation than other units so that it can have less output circuitry and be simpler/cheaper to build.

Of course, your ability to get a high-gain sound will also depend on your amp and what you put before it. For example, I can get a lot of crunch on my old Sears Silvertone with the signal coming straight out of the LINE2AMP, but running into an amp with more headroom I may need to go to a boost pedal first.
Yup, mono output from the interface (and in the DAW), faders at 0 (but normalized the DI's, as mentioned) - same method (and same interface) I used to successfully re-amp countless times with my Redeye back when I had it and my old amp rig a couple of years ago. I'll post the comparison clips when I get home tonight, don't think it's cuz of a bad transformer (since it was full-range, just wimpier), and I'm certain I wired it right.

Was your old rig using the same interface?

I have a Pro 40 and I had this same issue with my Radial X-Amp; even with the volume on the reamp box cranked all the way up, it still sounded weak coming out of the amp. I found that the output I was using was tied to the volume knob of my monitors, and in order to get enough volume, you had to crank the monitor volume knob. Plugging into a different output (say, Line Output 3), will give you full volume coming out of the interface, as long as you don't have some weird routing going on in Mix Control.

If that's not the issue, I'm not sure. I'm using my L2A and it's doing better than the X-Amp ever did, at 1/4 the price :kickass:
I've used Hakko irons at my last job and my new job as well. IME they are better than Weller irons.

Might snag one of these boxes, 35 bones is a steal!
Just built the thing, it's sooo cute! Would it kill me if I used an unbalanced cable from the line out of my interface? I'd imagine it only defeat the purpose of the ground switch.