Linkin Park

Mikael is God

Master of Bating
Jul 7, 2001
ok so i was at my guitar lesson the other day.... and my guitar teacher asked me if i knew the band linkin park....
and i said shit yes i hate them..... they are my arch enemies...... the leaders of the nu metal army need to be
brought down! So he then started telling me about his friend from BERKLEY .... for those of you who dont
know.. its a really really good music school....... his friend knew this other guy from berkley...... and linkin park,
while recording their album.... the guitarist couldnt cut it in the studio... he couldnt cut it for more then half of the
songs..... so they called in this guy that went to berkley to come in and record the guitar parts for him!!!! Linkin
park..... i despise them... they cant even play their own fucking songs.....
I don't like them either but they aren't numetal (numetal to me being a modern form of metal)....that would imply they have some kind of metal quality, which from my point of view, they don't have at all. They are a pop band from where Im sitting. Pop-core? LMAO. :D
I read somewhere that Linkin Park were a bad boy band who wanted to make some money, so the went metal (or I may be thinking of Papa Roach). So it doesn't surprise me that they can't play their instruments.

Mind you, I've been saying that since I first heard their awful "music" ;)
Originally posted by Mikael is God
linkin park is the definition of nu metall...... the point is that... Nu metal is just alternative pop rock with some screaming and rap

I couldn't agree less. Old Korn is what defines numetal to me, and its much much different to Linkin Park. Its much heavier, and has metal qualities about it. I don't have a problem with numetal and Im not gonna get all elitist and say its not metal, because I think it is, its just different that alll.

Linkin Park on the other hand are NOT NUMETAL!
the guitarist couldnt cut it in the studio... he couldnt cut it for more then half of the
songs..... so they called in this guy that went to berkley to come in and record the guitar parts for him!!!! Linkin
park..... i despise them... they cant even play their own fucking songs.....

This isn't such a shock. Moonspell were so bad when they were recording their debut for Century Media, that the guys from the studio had to do the guitar and drum parts.

Lee B
I think this Linkin Park is far better than most of the nu-metal shit. I have heard only a couple of their songs, but to me they sound a bit like grunge-rock with some rap thrown in for American kids. Nothing to do with real music of course, but I can at least tolerate them, unlike the vast majority of nu-metal.
