
Child of Time said:
It's almost like this one then. Three chess coloured fellas, one of them dressed as a wizard (with a metal t-shirt!) literally running around in a very ungr1m and untr00 forest. It's both daylight and summer.

the funnniest "blackmetalband " who ever existed!!!

hey this video is so evil and great-I love it

this wizard with his bathory shirt is just cool and how they always look around, hoping that noone sees them doing evil unspeakable things :OMG:
I think you all know this pic but I post it again its just cool:
Hey I am not sure if this has been posted anywhere else on the Msg Board but I have an art site,

It has my portfolios for Illustration both B/W and color, Fine Art, and Digital. If you are not legal to view or are just offended by nudity do not look at the Fine Art section. (note: the nudity is not obscene or tastless it is all professional nudity done for the purpose of learning the human form, they were all done for school.)

It is all in english so anyone who can't read it won't really be able to tell what is going on, so just click around til you find something.

Send any comments to the e-mail there and/or post them here
