I'm not against anyone making a buck but Capitalism itself, followed through to its natural conclusion, neccessitates one winner with all the beans.
Your birthright as a free entity upon this planet goes right out the window as you're forced to accept a primitive's game.
It is a focus on pure competition versus cooperation and results in a form of social Cancer called 'Greed.'
The laws of Nature demand that any species that competes with itself destroys itself - period.
There is enough wealth in this world for not one single person to be poor, hungry or sick. In fact, all could live quite well off.
Oh, the brainwashed here in the States will jump up and sputter , "Why that's Socialism!" "Go live in Sweden" or "I hear socialized health care is awful." Bunk! We're a joke to our own Socialist allies. (Save your clippings to the contrary from the Capitalist media. Your circular presentations fail whether you're aware of it here or not.) Socialism, however, is a threat to the powers that be and so the cattle of consumerism are fed a constant diet of nice, shiny things and mundane arguments to the contrary leaving them to parrot the key mantras of the rich & powerful, which reduces them to serfs not unlike those during the Dark Ages, except now our current landscape is that of Corporate Feudalism.
Unfortunately, I'm afraid things will get a lot worse before they get a lot better.
The current period we live in will be very telling for all concerned.