
DeepInMisery said:
:lol: maybe they taste better if you make them yourself :p

OoOoOoOoO the word is getting around

but actually i learned the word koekje all on my own, from some dutch phrase i read in a textbook :Smug: *proud* I was teh first on here! "Neem nog een koekje!" :rolleyes: :p
Good lad! :'D *patpat*

"Neem nog een koekje"
So kind of you.. :')

Koekje \m/

Of course are koekjes better when you make them yourself! :-o
Think of the smell of fresh baked koekjes, for one.. *drool*
:worship: Hell yeah!

innocence lost

I am doomed here, weeping in pain:
falling through this darkened agony,
heart so empty and dead.

this life so betrayed,
a surreal abyss,
thrown away;

yet I wish for
your touch so warm.

:( *sigh*