List 20 Random Things about Yourself...


Feb 12, 2003
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1. I'm basically so computer illiterate, that it's amazing I can post at message boards.

2. I'm currently listening to the new Poisonblack and Children of Bodom.

3. I just spent over 80 euros on express mailing charges for my applications because I'm such a procrastinator...:ill:

4. Snoopy and Chuck Schuldiner are my idols...

5. I've been having too much fun earlier this week drinking with friends that I don't have any urge to do anything, even though it's Friday today...

6. I currently feel un-fulfilled, hopeless, misunderstood, unmotivated and disillusioned...:erk:

7. My mother went with me to a tattoo place when I was 16(18 age minimum) to get my Danzig skull tat, but since the tattoo artist wouldn't ink me, even with parental consent, I'm still too bitter to get a tat, even though it's been almost a decade since then...

8. I have really long, straight, overly dyed hair...

9. I love my guitars, but I've had no motivation or inspiration to play them lately...

10. I really like to cook, but not for only myself...

11. I've been around the music industry since I was 13, so I'm unfortunately, too jaded about music, musicians, albums, "rock-stars"...

12. My apartment looks like WWIII almost all the time :erk:

13. The only reason why I'm still alive is because I want to become a counselor for "at-risk" teenagers someday...

14. I've always loved being "on the road" or never firmly established in 1 place because I've never really had a "home".

15. I've been single for over a year(longest time since I started dating)

16. I have a deep craving for something good, like some KFC or sushi, or Middle Eastern food or some fish and chips with lots of tartar sauce.

17. My first one-night stand became the best(we fell in love) and only one-night stand I ever hope to have because of this...

18. I've never been satisfied with myself, my life, or life in general...

19. My brother was actually born in Hollywood.

20. I love these kind of survey things because I'm interested in reading about others... :p
1. My mom just brought me some blue pens
2. I'm listening to Opeth
3. I want to go to sleep
4. I like the weather today, it's windy, and cloudy, too bad it's hot as hell
5. I look forward to smoking some tonight
6. I'm going to my lake house tommorrow for the night
7. I'm currently pursuing someone who is kind of "forbidden" shall we say... :-\
8. I just got out of bed
9. I'm very tired
10. This is kind of fun, because I'm horribly bored
11. I want to play some video games, particularly Deus Ex, or Morrowind, or Super Mario World, but I'm too lazy
12. I'm working on recording a new song, that I hope comes out really well
13. I have looooong hair
14. I play guitar and bass
15. Castlevania rocks!
16. I'm in a Science Academy
17. My tire blew out for the first time last friday, agh
18. Divina Enema - At the Conclave is the greatest hour of music ever to grace this earth
19. I want a Coke
20. I'm gonna go lay down
1. I like Morningrise's sig
2. I can't think of anything due to Morningrise's sig
3. I just scrolled down so I can't see Morningrise's sig
4. I just got back from the cafeteria
5. I am listening to Porcupine Tree's Lightbulb Sun
6. I've listened to Sigur Ros's () 4 times since 3 pm.
7. I have $6 in ones in my wallet
8. I am bored
9. I can't think of anything else
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1. emperor r00lz
2. i need a shower
3. i feel greasy
4. i just finished playing some guitar
5. im talking to this dumbass chick
6. im talking to cladindarkness
8. i cant count
7. this isn't #7
9. im threatning to rape that dumbass chick
10. i wrote something on my arm to remember
11. i smell food cooking
12. my left eye is a little bit blurry (contact probably fucking up)
13. im waiting for someone to get back on aim so he can tell me something
14. im thinking it's time for a song break
15. this chick is really stupid
16. im wearing sweatpants and a grey shirt
17. i want an emperor shirt
18. i think of roxy in her emperor shirt in one of her pics
19. i like roxy
20. i better make this last fact good for a good conclusion of my 20 facts.
1. I'm tired
2. I love Calvin
3. I think i'm Calvin
4. I AM Calvin
5. I currently feel extremely frustrated at things that are always just out of reach.
6. .. and frustrated about not being able to do anything about an opportunity that i might never get this close to again. About having all the hard stuff work and then being held up by something so simple.
7. I procrastinate too much.
8. I complain too much ;)
9. The worst thing ever is groupwork. Groups at uni suck, slack bastards, or useless bastards. Due to other people's shitness i'm going to lose a lot of marks this semester and there is nothing i can do about it (i predict my mark will go down at least 15-20% purely because of other people's suckiness).
10. Writing music is extremely important to me, at my lowest my guitar seems to be my best friend ;)
11. My band's first gig (and my first proper gig, ever) is scheduled for May 30th. To say i am nervous and scared about this is an understatement.
12. Cheese sucks.
13. Easter eggs are good to eat, and terrible to buy... so i only do the first one ;)
14. I simply can't stand watching 95% of tv, or listening to radio. Commercial fakeness or whatever annoys me so much.
15. I have half of my 2nd album written, yet have no time to record it or write it down so i keep forgetting a lot of it. Oh well.
16. I'm running out of things to say.
17. Yes
18. 3,000,527 was my favourite number for many years.
19. I want 2 main things from life. To write, play and release music. And someone special to care for and be with.
20. I don't like walking into large groups of people i don't know. Last night i was at a party with about 30 people, of which i only knew 1 really well. I managed to be ok for 4 hrs before i'd had enough of feeling awkward.

1) I am watching Devy bootleg videos.
2) This one was not random.
3) I skipped three classes today.
4) My mom is having her appendix removed for Easter.
5) I burnt my chicken nuggets a few hours ago.
6) My ISP is more unstable than UM.
7) I have my right foot on top of my computer.
8) My room is a mess.
9) I was biting my nails and part of a nail is now stuck between my teeth.
10) I have no floss.
11) Worse than group work is presentations.
12) I haven't had a date in quite some time.
13) I'm lonely
14) I used to be really good at sports, but I rarely play anymore
15) Pancakes and I will soon fence to the death.
16) I am going to be a child psychologist
17) Resistance is futile
18) Internet language is far to pervasive in my daily life.
19) Here comes 20.
20) I cannot create a new shape for the life of me.
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Soul4Raziel said:
11) Worse than group work is presentations.
What about groupwork presentations??? :p

(yes, i have 2 of these in the next few weeks..... )
Anti-social's life rule number 1: always volunteer for the writing aspect of the project. :D
1. I just ate some chinese food
2. My mouth tastes hot
3. There are three cans of Mountain Dew on my desk. One is about half full. The others are empty.
4. I'm listening to Emperor.
5. List of blue items on my desk: guitar pick, scissors, magazine, lighter
6. I just took a sip of Mountain Dew.
7. There is a closet door directly to my right.
8. I tried to make a starship enterprise out of a floppy disk.
9. I failed and cut my finger. :(
10. I burnt the paint off of a thumbtack that was on my desk with the blue lighter. It smelled bad.
11. I have more PSX games than PS2 or Xbox.
12. I love Shenmue and Shenmue II more than my parents.
13. There's three dead batteries on my desk. 2 AA's from my mouse, and one 9V from my distortion pedal.
14. I have "Napalm and Silly Putty" by George Carlin sitting on my desk.
15. I should probably stop talking about my desk.
16. Sorry.
17. I haven't gone outside since last Friday.
18. My room is painted dark green, but I'm sick of it. I want it to be white, or at least a light color again.
19. I might move to Bergen, Norway with Eirik after college.
20. I like Eirik and kitty and PAW.

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1. I'm trying to increase my confidence with various exercises and visualisation techniques, including 'self-hypnosis', so far with mixed results.
2. I've got work in 30 mins.
3. I'm really a useless piece of shit around people, USELESS, and yet when I'm alone at home I usually feel pretty good.
4. I've been playing the drums everyday for at least an hour for the past week, I'm getting pretty good.
5. My electronic music is shit, absolute crap, but I'm gonna keep making it anyways.
6. I want a girlfriend.
7. My thoughts of suicide have been increasing at a frightning rate. (they just randomly surface sometimes)
8. I'm never going to kill myself.
9. I'm sick of smoking, last night I smoked 17 ciggys in one night, but then again, I was on E.
10. I met a REALLY cool guitarist guy last night called 'Tat', he's gonna come over and jam sometime this week...I'm nervous.
11. I need to practice drums more, almost got the double bass with a single peddle thing sussed. *almost*
12. I've already run out of shit to say so I think I'll just complain about stuff.
13. I hate all the people I know, and yet I'm forcing myself to get along with them.
14. I went to see the student counsillor and she was useless and no help.
15. She said I should meet 'new people'
16. I don't think theres any people around here I could meet that would fulfill the requirements of who I want to meet.
17. Dammit but I want to talk to that hot chick in my media and film classes...dammmmmmnnnnn.
18. Just visualise confidence...just visualise confidence.
19. Yeah I'm gonna try the hypnosis thing tonight, sounds interesting.
20. Thats 20 things.
Nice thread:

1. I am currently listening to "Still Life".
2. I've had cat puke on my bedroom floor for two weeks:Smug:.
3. I'm in my 20's and have more white hair than my dad.
4. I am auditioning for Wheel of Fortune tomorrow.
5. I will be moving to Texas in June.
6. I keep the fingernails on my left hand shorter than on my right.
7. I've been driving the same car for 10 years:Smug:.
8. I can wiggle my nose like a bunny.
9. I can make a mean burger.
10. I am a hopeless 80's movies junkie.
11. I'm watching "Pretty in Pink"
12. I hate being wrong.
13. I hate children.
14. I love Halloween.
15. It took me 20 minutes to unclog my toilet today
16. I have a hopeless beer addiction
17. I wish I had some beer (see #16)
18. I clean my house listening to swing music
19. I have only broken one bone in my body, ever. That would be my foot, when I was 16. I will never forget the pink fucking cast I had to wear.
20. I loathe my job...

I bet I can come up with 20 more...but who would want to read it?:loco:
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THis is a cool idea for a thread.
1. I'm looking forward to the movies "Matrix Reloaded" and "Terminator 3"
2. I slept in till 12:00 today Because my cousins slept over
3. I didn't really eat lunch today but I had a lot of pretzels dipped in spicy cheese sauce
4. We played Zelda:Wind Waker and Perfect Dark
5. Perfect Dark is the best multiplayer game ever
6. I have to wake up at 6 AM tomorrow to go to work
7. My mom bought me new socks recently
8. I'm listening to Dargaard
9. I just listened to Raison D'Etre and wrote a review on it
10. I made a new starcraft map that me and my friend should play tomorrow
11. I got the Iron Boots and another Triforce Chart today
12. IT was supposed to rain Wednesday but never did, then they said it would rain thursday but never did, then they said it woauld rain friday but It never did.
13. THey just hired RICARDO GONZALEZ at work. yay.
14. My cousins came over for 3 hours and I barely talked to them.
15. I didn't take a shower yesterday.
16. I just drank a delicious cup of hot chocolate
17. On Sunday I am going over my grandma's for easter.
18. I just downloaded an Autechre song but it was incomplete.
19. The new version of Game Maker made my Mario game unplayable because blank message boxes pop up almost every time you enter a room. My game is too good for it
20. I think there are too many people named John, Mike, Matt, and Joe in the world

I am very proud of my list. It is well-rounded, non-silly, and informative about my current life events.
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1.-I like to read a lot
2.-I like to go to nightclubs and bars
3.-I make books reviews from time to time
4.-I have been wanting to go to europe for a long time
5.-I have travelled around Mexico a lot
6.-I like sitcoms
7.-I have a gf
8.-I hate stupidity
9.-I am not attracted to blondes
10.-I dislike bimbos
11.-I am skinny
12.-I only wear jeans
13.-I used to play basketball
14.-I play D&D a lot
15.-I have been listening to metal for 5 years
:lol: This is a great thread, but I don't normally participate in these types of reading them though :D

Lethe78 said:
I just finished 18 and inadvertantly hit the "back" button of my mouse, losing each and every uproariously funny sentences.

That does suck......happens to me in email a lot
1. I'm getting sick of tabbing Bloodbath songs ;)
2. My neck is really sore, has been for a few weeks now
3. Damn, I've only put 2 things and I'm already struggling for things to add
4. I have this strong urge to record an album
5. before I do an album though, I need to get off my arse and write some more songs
6. And I also need to get a job, so I can pay for recording it :D
7. I am cold today
8. I am sick of looking for a job, I wish it wasn't so damn hard
9. I just realised last night, I've had tinnitus for almost 10 years
10. I listen to christian radio every day, because laughing at stupid people is fun (not talking about christians in general, just the ones on the radio station)
11. my back hurts
12. I can't sing, I recorded vocals for my new song (see my sig;)), but they really sucked, so yet another song got left as an instrumental
13. having tabbed most of the Bloodbath songs, I have come to the conclusion Anders is one hell of a guitarist, and he is indeed my favourite player
14. I am half way through the game 'In Cold Blood'. It really sucks
15. I am hungry
16. Damn, this is taking forever......
17. I like Sausages :D
18. lalalalalalalalaaaa
19. I am currently awake
20. I have just finished this post, thank fuck for that...... ;)
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1. I'm shy if I'm by myself, but as long as I know someone in a large
group of people I can be reallys social

2. I don't know what I want to do with my life

3. I'm currently attempting to pursue a hopeless relationship that has no chance of working and even if it did it couldn't last for more than 4 months

4. I've never been on a date or kissed a girl

5. I'm going to be an exchange student in germany starting in august

6. I haven't had a best friend for a while now

7. I get along with most everyone, but I rarely get close to anyone either.

8. I'm really interested by linguistics and languages etc., for some reason or another

9. I'm too lazy to keep my room or my car clean, i'm too lazy to wake up before 1pm, and too lazy to get a job... but I find the energy to make daily huge-ass livejournal entries and I have the energy to do other irrelevant crap that accomplishes nothing

10. I have had the most posts on for over six months... and I find that sad

11. The past year has been the most defining, important, and influential of my life, yet it has also been the most depressing, shitty, and sad year of my life

12. When I feel depressed it actually makes me feel better to talk about it to someone rather than to just feel shitty alone

13. I have a lot of interest in photography, drawing, and music, yet I lack the motivation to pursue any of these in the manner that I should

14. I used to be a pushover... but I think that's changed in the past year

15. I doubt anyone is reading all of these, if any

16. I only have two cousins

17. My dad is the opposite of me

18. Divina Enema - At the Conclave is the greatest hour of music ever to grace this earth

19. I'm elitist

20. :eek: is my favorite smiley