List your top 3 bands here

Amon Amarth (as for the last 6+ years)
Destroyer 666

Hypocrisy aintup there because i've only really been listening to them for the past year. Fucking awsome band though, i just cant go passed the other 3.
Limbonic Art is definetely worth checking out. I may have to buy one of their albums. I want the craziest one (Zephyrus, please help me with this one if you can).

Hail Black Metal \m/ \m/

Start with Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death. It's their best work to date. The rest are just as brilliant but Ad Noctum tops them all.

I know MZ-412, NS Ambient Soundscape music. I have Nordik Battle Signs & Burning The Temple of god. Good music to sleep to. i recommend Vinterriket or Uruk Hai. They are a couple of good Ambient bands.

Also, Dark Shark, or anyone else for that matter, check out the latest (final) dissection album REINKAOS, it's fuckin cool, melodic, yeh dark and satanic black metal. To bad he blew his own brians out a little while back.
Cool. Thanks for the advise.
Would you say that is their craziest album? Because I haven't much money to spend.
I can only afford one cd now and I want one with all the screaming and banging in the middle of the songs. Do Limbonic Art also take a more rock n roll direction like Satyricon or are they more like Dark Funeral who keep their sharp Satanic sound?
They look like a great band to hang out with and go to pubs.

Totalus Necrum sound good too. I need something loud, raw and just free and crazy to listen to when I stress to calm me down. I used to have a Fallen Christ cd which I used to use as a stress reliever. But unfortunately I sold it as I didn't listen to it much. Wish I hadn't, especially now that I know it's out of print and impossible to find a copy. Atleast I still have the recording I made on an audio cassette. I am kicking myself in ass so damn hard for selling it. For those of you who have not heard Fallen Christ, they sound sort of like Morbid Angel but the production quality is much lower and the songs are less flowing and more evil sounding with more vocal variation aswell but not really any understandable lyrics. Phew, what a long sentence that was.

Also I been thinking of getting the Mayhem album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. I need to hear Pagan Fears again. I used to have it on the Blackened vol.1 compilation. Mysticum is another great band I need to listen to my Mysticum LP, wish I has the cd aswell.

If you want Limbonic Art's "wildest and craziest" album, I guess you should get The Ultimate Death Worship. It's their fastest and most aggressive (though their latest coming out this month may be similar).