Listen to new G N' R here!


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I've looked a few pages back and can't see nowt about this, so check here -

Go to the radio section, there's four new GNR songs. I've heard a couple so far and they're shockingly good. I expected them to be pure shite, but no - they're not too bad.

Also, check out that Beatallica song, it's fucking brilliant. Is it really James Hetfield singing?! :lol:
Those songs aren't bad, they're begging for a good singer though.
Pretty smokin' band he's hired.
Not sure about those hair braids though.. apart from that the new stuff sounds ok.. as in I can listen to it, and my ears dont bleed
What do hair braids have to do with his singing ? Are they attached to his vocal chords ? A guy I work with started watching Supergroup for some reason (he isn't very metal). He asked what a good album by Anthrax is to check out because Scott seems like the coolest guy on the show.
"That Scott guy seems cool. He's a good guitar player except for that gotee"
Shit didn't make sense when Metallica cut their hair and it still don't 15 years later.
karrokid said:
What do hair braids have to do with his singing ? Are they attached to his vocal chords ? A guy I work with started watching Supergroup for some reason (he isn't very metal). He asked what a good album by Anthrax is to check out because Scott seems like the coolest guy on the show.
"That Scott guy seems cool. He's a good guitar player except for that gotee"
Shit didn't make sense when Metallica cut their hair and it still don't 15 years later.

Er, chill out FFS. :zombie:
Stormwatch said:
Er, chill out FFS. :zombie:

oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset your sunday.
I'm just tierd of people associating musical ability with a hair doo.
as an offer of peace I give you endless Hoff......

wll, that's interesting. I guess I set my mind that the new Axl and the Roses album would completely suck, that I was mildly surprised that the new material doesn't suck, too bad.

I guess the Axl Roses will have a new younger generation of fans that weren't even born when Appetite came out, so will excuse them for being a GnR cover band these days.
karrokid said:
What do hair braids have to do with his singing ? Are they attached to his vocal chords ? A guy I work with started watching Supergroup for some reason (he isn't very metal). He asked what a good album by Anthrax is to check out because Scott seems like the coolest guy on the show.
"That Scott guy seems cool. He's a good guitar player except for that gotee"
Shit didn't make sense when Metallica cut their hair and it still don't 15 years later.
His hair is awful.
I'm sure the music is O.K but Axl is such a douche to his fans I wont buy nor pay to see him again. On a side note thats not his real hair. Those are extensions grasping what little real hair he has left. unlike some people Axl doesnt know when to sat when and let the long hair go.
Axl is a douche bag. He is a whiny little prick who always has and always will treat his fans like shit. I used to be a huge fan but got let down too many times.. And if the music was good I wouldn't say it sucks.. But the music he is making now TRULY sucks fucking balls. Only a matter of time before this tour blows up in his face.. He already started pulling his egotistical BS the other night... Go Away Axl, stop tarnishing the Gn'R name...
karrokid said:
What do hair braids have to do with his singing ? Are they attached to his vocal chords ? A guy I work with started watching Supergroup for some reason (he isn't very metal). He asked what a good album by Anthrax is to check out because Scott seems like the coolest guy on the show.
"That Scott guy seems cool. He's a good guitar player except for that gotee"
Shit didn't make sense when Metallica cut their hair and it still don't 15 years later.

:lol: :lol:
The new stuff ain't bad. Not groundbreaking, but not bad. It's a little hard to believe that it took him 10 years to make it.