Listen to this demo and give us your opinion please!


Jul 10, 2004
Hello everyone

We are Delta, a Neoclasical progresive metal band from Chile, and we are releasing soon our debut album , "Apollyon is Free". We are working hard in this album and we want to know opinions from every part we can get them!
So if you can listen the MP3 of the band that is in this web site: and check it out it would be great!

Send us your opinion to and if you want the album mail us too, we can work out a way to send it to others countries

Well thats all, thank you all! :rock:
Dude... I love it. Good to hear some good new neoclassical bands. I can hear a definite SX influence (the solo section especially), which rules. And the fast, heavy riffage is just bitchin'. Rock on!
Thanks to all for the great comments,
Please consider that the sound quality of that Mp3 (due to the website conditions) is not the best. In the CD is much better.
Our CD is called "Apollyon is Free" and consists of 12 tracks. If you are interested in getting it, please e-mail us.

Once again, thanks a lot

Delta :rock: