Listen to Tie My Rope here...

Yeah you can hear the whole thing, and of course it has a melody...

Really, it's just like any recent cob song, take one part shitty american influence, add a bit of twinkly keyboards, a catchy alexi guitar melody, repeat.
i listened to the first 10 seconds and couldn't listen to anymore.

people are better off listening to AYDY? than listening to this.. and i HATE AYDY? :p

Could someone describe it a bit? I'm at work and can't listen. Is it aggressive, powerful..? Something else than it sucks, plz.

Is it like Talk Dirty To Me? I get that impression..
no, i'm just saying it's written in the same simplistic style as aydy.

I think i liked the sound on aydy better really..
just think of a track like 'In Your Face' or something from AYDY and it's like that but with different melodies and it's not really very catchy or good :erk:
Well the first time I listened to IYF I thougth it sucked.. but I give up since you can't describe the guitar tone or keyboard tone or the melody or singing or aggressiveness.. At least now I'm not really expecting anything, so it might be better than I think.. last time I was expecting the perfect album, and was disappointed..
Well the first time I listened to IYF I thougth it sucked.. but I give up since you can't describe the guitar tone or keyboard tone or the melody or singing or aggressiveness.. At least now I'm not really expecting anything, so it might be better than I think.. last time I was expecting the perfect album, and was disappointed..

the guitar tone is still the same...but it's more like thrash riffs. and the beginning of the song is very electronic...all about the keys in the beginning...and even in some parts throughout....they do a keys/guitar harmony on the solo. he does some whammy bar wankage as well. and you also get the typical pinched harmonics . the solo still sounds bodom-ish but it kinda sucks. the rhythm has been simplified

the singing is more singing than yelling/whatever alexi USED to do....overall Joonas, it's gotten worse.

this is the 4th time i'm listening to it.
So you can understand what Alexi says and he sings like a drunken bitch being whipped and there's no death metal tone in his singing?
no, it seems like he's trying to still be a little death metal. but he fails. and yes, you can hear what he says. I like his vocals so much better when you couldn't understand him.
I liked it. Actually I liked it very much. Though, AYDY is my second fave album from COB... :rolleyes: But I think this reminds someway HCDR tracks too.
My thoughts exactly. A mix between AYDY & HCDR was the first thing in my mind too (btw. my 2 favorite albums). The beginning of the song was very HCDR'ish. I liked the solo part too.

The audio quality on that radio thing wasn't very good. It sounded somehow listened behind a wall or something. I couldn't hear all the little details that well.
the albums songs should be different as well. hopefully they wrote that song as directed to a different audience........or i don't know...i think i'm just making excuses. haha.
My thoughts exactly. A mix between AYDY & HCDR was the first thing in my mind too (btw. my 2 favorite albums). The beginning of the song was very HCDR'ish. I liked the solo part too.

The audio quality on that radio thing wasn't very good. It sounded somehow listened behind a wall or something. I couldn't hear all the little details that well.

I agree.

I can't put my finger on it but something in this song (especially second half) makes me think Whitesnake :zombie:. Works for me, but I'm easy to please...