Listen to Tie My Rope here...

This sounds awesome, i really like it! Some keyboard parts sound alot like warmen, and the keyboard interlude was awesome aswell. The main melody is for a lack of a better word, awesome :lol: I like everything about it except the solo, which sounds to "rockish", or the vocals, but i don't even think Alexi likes them.

Even though the intro "thrash riffing" reminds me of AYDY, the rest is actually more reminiscent to HCDR.
We still have to wait for the actual leak but can this "radio-version" be transferred to a form so you can burn it onto a CD?

they're embarrasing

But remember this is just a "demo" which means no extra effort has been made for it. It might even have a bad mix and all that. I hope Tägtgren does something for that singing for the album.
give it a few days.......and you'll find it on the web

i actually like it (but i like the old stuff more)
I already recorded it with this program I have...
was gonna put it on youtube..and still might to that
But remember this is just a "demo" which means no extra effort has been made for it. It might even have a bad mix and all that. I hope Tägtgren does something for that singing for the album.

Yeah right, Children of bodom didnt released new material for 2 years so they didnt want to make a good first impress so they didnt do any effort for it??

The vocals sounds very like Living Dead Beat but faster and less understandable. That solo sounds SO familiar to the solo of ...........

I think it would sound awesome live!
this is the second/third/who knows what time i'm listening to it... begining of the song with the keyboards i personally don't like because it kinda reminds me of some electronic shit... :erk: as somebody mentioned before sound quality is bad, but as for the solos and riffs, they are not that heavy as before... AYDY as it went away from HCDR and albums before still had that heavyness in the songs... but don't know until i hear it with volume a bit high and better quality... as for alexis singing it's a bit understandable, but then again it's almost similar as AYDY... i hope that other songs are better, faster maybe... but it is Children of Bodom and they rock any way... :kickass: just don't want them to go the same way Metallica did after Black album...
Yeah right, Children of bodom didnt released new material for 2 years so they didnt want to make a good first impress so they didnt do any effort for it??

The vocals sounds very like Living Dead Beat but faster and less understandable. That solo sounds SO familiar to the solo of ...........

I think it would sound awesome live!

I haven't heard it but if it's true the vocals fucking suck and the entire song in general then I'd suspect they didn't do 100% effort. Yet some say it sucks big time some say it rules... I'll hear it in 30minutes then I can tell. Living Dead Beat has shit vocals.
This song fucking rocks. The vocals are okay, the entire atmosphere is somehow cold and dark. I listened to it once, and okay the guitars are still muddy like AYDY and the singing part after the solos was boring, but otherwise great song. Improvement on keys maybe and guitars and the album will be cool. I'd give it a 8+/8half after first listen. Alexi does some fucking wonderful singing there. Cool melody, hope they made it louder, aka better mix. The album is too far away.
The beginning is wannabe chokehold....I like the keyboard sound in the listening to it rite the solooooo wooo im starting to like it now. Fuck the beginning
Hmmm, at first it reminded me of HCDR, then thrash metal, then a bad rip off of original Doom music, then a little bit of their old stuff. I wondered: "am I even listening to the same band anymore?" :p I guess it's okay though, I need to wait for the album. :D
Dude , i fckin loved this song , i dont know why you guys are complaining about AYDY and this song , exept maybe for the rythm guitar tone (maybe) the song is amazing. Also , in my opinion i most enjoy alexi's voice now , since before he was only crying which made me think about black metal. Btw guys, bands evolve , change , and ill always like their stuff :)