Listening to music that directly defies Christianity

Oh MAN tl;dr.

Even as a Christian, some of my favorite bands are Pagan's Mind, Lamb of God, and Scar Symmetry. Some very non-christian bands. It affected me once long ago, but I've been able to not let it affect me.

If this is something that you think will be a problem, your best bet is to either avoid it, or combat it with christian-infused messages. Think of the secular music as propaganda - that you must fight with your own counter-propaganda.
Yes, sometimes the Christians point their fingers to the Metal for the looks of it, but... don´t point their fingers to the Lies, an "misdoctrines" inside the body of Christ, the destruction that mankind are making in the God´s creation, the manipulation that religious manipulators do!!! and many other examples that really need to take seriously!
Oh MAN tl;dr.

Even as a Christian, some of my favorite bands are Pagan's Mind, Lamb of God, and Scar Symmetry. Some very non-christian bands. It affected me once long ago, but I've been able to not let it affect me.

If this is something that you think will be a problem, your best bet is to either avoid it, or combat it with christian-infused messages. Think of the secular music as propaganda - that you must fight with your own counter-propaganda.

haha, I would say that when a band is mega preachy it is very much propaganda, I tend to avoid it anyway.

Btw I love Pagan's Mind. :p I tend to think secular lyrics that aren't fantasy based are easiest for people to relate to no matter if they take part in those activities or not, for our earlier example, sex. Easy for most to relate to.
Yes, sometimes the Christians point their fingers to the Metal for the looks of it, but... don´t point their fingers to the Lies, an "misdoctrines" inside the body of Christ, the destruction that mankind are making in the God´s creation, the manipulation that religious manipulators do!!! and many other examples that really need to take seriously!

I don't like when somebody is trying to manipulate me. No matter if he/she is religious or nonreligious. :lol: In fact, "don't like" is an euphemism. :heh:

Sometimes I don't realize the manipulation immediately. It took me some time till I learned to realize my mother's manipulations. Thank God and my wife, I'm immune to that now. :rock:
An excellent thread and question. I have been a metal fan longer than I've been an active Christian. I've struggled to find music that fits within my beliefs as well as satisfies my musical tastes. Personally, I can't stand "praise" music, meaning hokey lyrics, pseudo-pop music that they play at most contemporary church services. But I enjoy the classical hymns offered in most traditional services. My taste in metal (and other genres) is similar. If its done with intelligence and talent, I'm usually blown away by it.

As far as where I draw the line...if it insults my beliefs, I wont listen to it. If it is of a different belief system, I can listen and enjoy it sometimes. However, the bands that tend to stick with me are bands that either share my belief system or promote no system whatsoever.

Glass Hammer, Flower Kings, and Theocracy are 3 of my favorites at this time. (As well as some of Neal Morse's solo stuff)
I am a sinner and fall short of GOD's glory,

If you have accepted Jesus as your saviour then:

We should not be listening to music/lyrics that blasphemes the LORD. We should be praising the LORD. When we listen and almost certainly mouth these type of lyrics, then we are not praising him and giving thanks to the most high. When we listen to lyrics from Theocracy and Sonicflood, who have quotes from scripture in their music then we are praising GOD.

2Cr 6:14 "........And what communion hath light with darkness?"
Mat 12:36 "........That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."
Psa 33:14 "From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth."

To Theocracy: the Lord has given you a gift and is directing your path. keep up the great work and GOD's word in your lyrics!