Listening to Opeth while high?


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Jul 23, 2003
New York
o_O This has probably been done before but has anyone else ever had this kind of experience? o_O

Last night I finally listened to My Arms Your Hearse all the way through like this and I must say it was one of the most amazing musical experiences I've ever had.

You ever try this?
Thoughts or Comments?
Yea I have while listening to Still Life and Morningrise. Next time im going to try some enslaved and summoning. some epic atmospherical shit...
Yeah, i often smoke and listen to music.
Herbs never make me paranoid unless i'm all of a sudden aproached by a cop, which rarely ever happens.

Opeth is just as powerful whether you're high or not.

I also occasionally enjoy Mushrooms and music from time to time.
I listen to opeth high all the time, it's excellent music to chill to. haha Alan3827, nice opeth/leaf icon man, im gonna steal that :)
Not true.

everything > coke. coke is fucking shitty. and probably heroin and that shit too but i wouldnt know

Weed is fucking great. I stopped smoking a year ago but every once in a long time I get high (like tonight) It opens your mind and I think is healthy (mentally) as long as you dont do it too much.

I listened to The drapery Falls and Dirge for November tonight when I was really blazed, It didn't do much for me. But ive been listening to Failure and the 28 days later soundtrack.. now thats good music for when youre stoned
I actually don't do drugs. Could be ok to try it some time though. But I've listened to them while being drunk several times, and that rules.

After a new years eve celebration (the last) me and a couple of friends decided to listen to the entire opeth catalogue, starting around 4AM when everybody had left. We actually only got to the demon of the fall, but we gotta try it again some time.
why would anyone listen to opeth when you're drunk?, drinking music is death metal in the vein of agiel and aeon, suffocation etc. also grindcore.

opeth is mind expanding music, therefore it goes hand in hand with smoking herb, or popping mushrooms.

I can't see how anyone can listen to opeth while being drunk, but then again that's just me.

To answer your question, yes listening to opeth while high is awesome, and it really enhances the music. But i suggest listening to music when you're tripping on mush, because it's a whole different experience.

and to cladindarkness, pot will make you paranoid if you're insecure about something, or insecure in general.
theres a big difference between drugs and weed.

I consider alcohol to be more of a drug, you usually have no control over certain things, and it's really sloppy. Although i do enjoy mad drunkeness every once in a while, not often. Nothings wrong with smoking herbs.
yeah still life stoned... get yourself used to the ins and outs of the story, or at least your interpretation, then sit back after a few fatties and try to mentally conjure up a music video to the whole album, its quite fun.