Originally posted by Orchid
do you usually listen to music while reading?
When I read magazines or newspapers I usually listen to music, but I can´t manage to read a book when the music is on. The essence of reading is ( in the best case) the complete absorption of your conscience by the words in your book. The result is a feeling like being melted and mixed up with the emotions/ expressed thoughts of the poet. This process is similar to intense listening sessions of music. Managing both at the same time overbends my capacities. By the way, I found the dragonlance scenarios rather boring, what really affected me was "Earthsea" from Ursula K. LeGuin ( very romantic, decent style, wonderful characters, less battle) and Michael Moorcocks "Eternal Champion"- series (especially the "Elric"-books -psychedelic, a really dark, cynic character). Moorcock has also participated on a few releases of 70´s space-rock dinosaurs Hawkwind.