Little KsE cover clip. Revalver/ TSE sims


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
So ive been messing around with Revalver and TSE plugins. I also bought the ENGL Redwire impulses, really liking them.

Guitars are my Edwards LPC with the EMG85 in the bridge ( love it, so much more then an 81!)
This is the 6505 sim with the ENGL impulse MD421 mic 1 in cap edge dual tracked and the TSE (E530 sim) with the ENGL impulse SM57 1 in cap edge, dual tracked.

If you would like the presets or screen shots of my settings, just say the word and i will post them.

The bass is Bass Amp Room, by Softube.

Drums are the usual SSD 3.5 plat.

Whatcha think?
guitars sound awesome to me!
so you dualtracked, but loaded the DI's another time with different sim, right?