Live albums article

And this is rubbish too:

bloke who wrote the article said:
Unplugged albums are horrible, soulless abominations which hardly deserve the label "live", and Nirvana's 'MTV Unplugged In New York' (1994) is no exception.

That album rules!

Kinda lost interest after that.

Spiffy sez:

Best live metal album: Live After Death.

Best live other album: Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison
Yeah I have to agree. The Unplugged Nirvana set was amazing. Even my dad liked it, and he hated rock. I do agree with Vim about Alchemist, however, and I would love to get hold of that bootleg. It's interesting that he completely fails to mention either of AC/DC's live albums and Unleashed in the East.
Nirvana's unplugged album isn't bad, but the Alice in Chains one was much better IMO. Better band all round really. :)
I can't listen to "Live Insurrection" because of the overdubbing. I just find it unbearable.

And no, I haven't listened to all of it because I can't get past the first few of songs. Also, "The One You Love To Hate" just screams out for a Jagger/Bowie "Dancing in the Streets"-style video.