LIVE AT LAST on the horizon

I am so stoked to finally be able to see the show again! Tuesday won't be here quick enough....... :hotjump:
I see has the DVD listed under the band name now. Previosly it was listed under "Live at Last" with no band title.

Just got mine ordered for $23.96 with shipping!

You can bet i'll be waiting for the mailman like a child waits for santa!

Here's the link to the DVD on the US amazon site:

and the CD:
Hi friends! I just got the cd and the dvd. The CD is great as expected, but beware of buying the DVD, you WILL be disappointed, I swear! Damnit, it's really bastardly aweful sound quality :yuk:! Like someone recorded it with a minidiscplayer from the audience... it hardly can be called "stereo sound". I couldn't bear it for 5 minutes.
The best, you play the cd and synchonize with the dvd-video for reasonable fun. o_O

Huh, maybe I haven't read any guestbook-rules, but today afternoon I wrote something fully matter-of-fact regarding the dvd in enchants guestbook, and now five minutes ago I see it's gone. Bad, bad censorship, huh.

Well, I just wanted to tell you, because if someone told me, I had just taken the live-cd.

Damn, now that the Live-at-Last is out, I gotta start waiting for the next album! Pleasent anticipation is the best, Yehaa! :wave:

Ok then, maybe that you don't get me wrong: this complaint up there won't do ANY curtailment to my unquestioningly pure admirement of ENCHANT :worship:

Greets, Grieve
I can hardly believe how bad the DVD sounds I feel exactly the same way as Grieve, the Sound is like "muffled" and not very clear throughout the complete concert. The Music in the DVD Menu is cristal clear but the concert is not listenable. Maybe there went something wrong with the production ??(reminds me of DT´s "Live At Budokan" with the glitch in the 5.1. Mix).
Anyway, I´m not happy with the DVD and I´m really mad having to pay 25 Euros for that. As Grieve said, stick to the Live-CD.
I haven't received my Live At Last DVD, but with DT's Live at Budokan, some of the sound issues were from people's wrong settings on their DVD players. Maybe fiddling with those particular settings will help out?

Or, maybe the audio for the CD was sourced from the soundboard, and the DVD audio was taken from the camera's audio mic. (which would account for the "recorded from audience" quality)?

I believe the IMusicast venue is specifically set up to record a show for both audio and video, so I would guess the audio source for both is through the soundboard.

(although I am not %100 sure...)
dano1427 said:
..., some of the sound issues were from people's wrong settings on their DVD players. Maybe fiddling with those particular settings will help out?


Hey :Spin: ! I just changed every option of my dvd-player setup without any progress. I also tried playing it on the computer, and at least this should be independent from some strange hardware-dvd-player sound-options...

thx9286 said:
Maybe there went something wrong with the production ??(reminds me of DT´s "Live At Budokan" with the glitch in the 5.1. Mix).

After all, I hope that there in fact will be a recall. Maybe we get a 5.1 Mix in a revised dvd. At the moment we have to stick with Dolby Digital 2.0 (which is stereo if I'm not mistaken).
Well, if it at least would sound as stereo, hehe :erk:

Huh, all this discussion really let me forget about hearing the second disc at all. damnit. ok, cu guys, I've got work to do :D
Grieve said:
Huh, maybe I haven't read any guestbook-rules, but today afternoon I wrote something fully matter-of-fact regarding the dvd in enchants guestbook, and now five minutes ago I see it's gone. Bad, bad censorship, huh.
Wow, that kind of censorship would indeed be sad.
Btw, I tried to post on the Inside Out-guestbook about the sound problem, too. That was a few hours ago and I fear that my message didn't get through either. But I still hope they didn't check it yet (what they do) and it appears.
This really sucks!!:yell: Ironically I cancelled the DVD on my CD Universe order on Saturday because it is delayed until Nov 2. They were going to hold back my CD shipment in order to ship everything at once, which I didnt want to wait for. I had no knowledge of the DVD issues on Saturday when I cancelled it. Maybe indirectly its my fault :erk: Does anybody know if this slight delay will result in the proper DVD audio release. I cant imagine that they would be able to correct this error in a week's time. I still will purchase this b/c I support Enchant 100%, but it will be a huge disappointment if it is the final product. This doesnt make any sense why you have a good recording on the CD and a poor recording on the DVD. Whats up with the quality control at IO? I have no knowledge of how to create, master, engineer... a DVD but I guarantee the guys in Enchant dont want to release a subpar product. Hopefully there will be a recall.

Keep the faith everyone,
I have a feeling the European copies got out before the glitch was caught and that's the reason for the US delay (which I posted that thread about when the rep from CDInzane told me he'd just gotten off the phone with the distributor and said there was a delay).

Sadly, this stuff does happen - but like Jim says, keep the faith (I know I am:headbang: ). I know the guys don't want to and will not do their fans wrong. :cool:
Maybe this was answered already (I can't find it if it was), but where was this show recorded? Was it at iMusicast in Oakland, CA? I was at that show and I seem to recall something about them recording it. I should dig up my pics from that show...
My settings idea was just a thought.

It was recorded at I-Music cast...

Ed has posted about the issue...Seems to be a mastering problem (?).

Anyways, it'll be resolved...
