Hey Jeff
Refresh my memory on the shows you have? set lists?
I know we headlined one alone at the old venue in Fremont? can,t recall what they called it? We did three shows there ? Is this the one in 97 right before the Fillmore show?
What are you guys calling the " Would Show?" I thought the Would show was the one in Bonn Germany in 4/97 on Mike Portnoys B-Day when he played drums with us and then Ted sang backing on Caught in a Web with Dream Theater? I have that one on Video tape
very cool! although it is a srtange angle from behind the bass rig up in the corner
On the Bootlegs, I will discuss this with Ted and Doug when we get togather tommorrw night? I don,t think it is a big deal but Mr Ott is the guy you really should be asking this question. I will see if he can check in? One condition! YOU SEND US ALL A COPY OK
We stuff of interest to all?
By the way I have live video footage that I recorded with a remote ( onstage from all angles )from just about every Enchant show I ever played with the band up until 8/26/97 Fillmore in SF, including the first ever gig in Pleasant Hill Ca when Ted and myself first joined the band. I think that #1 show was in Feb of 93? wow?
A lot of the footage is shaky but I do have a lot of shows.
We hope someday to make the best of this possible availiable? someday? its rough but not bad? a lot is stored away on hi 8 and some on VHS? just sitting on it? Doug and I watched some the other night for kicks.
We have a new release to write and record at the moment so until I find someone who can help with this its locked away