Live Damage


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
OK. I love DT, and realy love live dvd's, so when i heard about Live Damage i was over the Moon. Unfortunately, it is not what i expected. The show its self was great, and almost flawless track list...Of Melancholy Burning would have been nice though. What realy took the experiance away from me was the audio mix, which is too bias on the vox and leaves the instruments in the back ground (you might not think so, but i do so plz dont flame me for it damn it!!). The other thing, about half way through the set, the audio and video become out - of - sync. Is this the same with other coppies, or should i contact Sentury Media/ the palce of purchase?
Like i said, the show was good....production-bad.
What are your thoughts?

Daniel \m/
What do you think Rahvy, do we need a sticky 'Live Damage: Discuss it here' style thread? I know that you dislike having too many sticky threads on the board, so ocassionally someone will bump it? Saves the multiple posting of live damage threads.
Of course, if people were more inclined to read the FAQ...

Bah, and pineapples, this knee is making me uncharacteristically bitchy, I'm sorry everyone :D
i keep on merging these threads into the already existing ones about dvd-sync problems, but i understand that some users can't be arsed to look for the older threads. likewise i understand that others can't be arsed to repeat their explanations from scratch every single time.

so to nebulous i say: nice nickname! :p and: use this board's search engine to scout for possible solutions to your problems, as if this was a tech forum of sorts. some questions have been replied to already in the past. i'm leaving this thread open, as it's not going to hurt anything.
Hmm... my copy was a perfect mix... the show was amazing, and the mix was bautiful... could it possibly have to do with what you are playing it on?
Rahvin:Thanx for the compliments. If i can i'll will name my band Nebulous too.

All: i appologise for my ignorance, i dont get to use UM too often and didnt realize sync was already discussed. But, i did use this post to find ppls opinions on the dvd itself also. Once again, im sorry for the inconveniance. I will be more aware next time.
Thank you all.
Keep it real.
Daniel \m/
@nebulous: i'll buy your band's record if you're called nebulous. i might be saying that because i've been driving for 9 out of the past 18 hours, but still that's what i'm gonna do. :Spin: