Live Free or Die Hard Trailer.

Oh man...... can't wait for this one. John McLean kicks ass once more.

LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD on Yahoo! Movies

I wonder if the dirty undershirt will make a cameo.

Is awesome to know this new Die Hard movie is almost upon us, should be good!!

Check out the trailer for Shrek The Third too, some good movies on the way next year!

Seems like all the old movie franchises are making a return, new Rocky, new Die Hard and Eddie Murphy says Beverly Hills Cop 4 is gonna happen too
i like the die hard movies but, from that trailer i'm guessing it's about cars fliping and guns shooting ?
if you're talking to me, my point is that this is the 3rd movie trailer i've recently seen for a film that doesn't explain anything about the actual movie.
just wondering a little bit about what the storyline was.

Thats why they call it a 'teaser trailer'
Another legacy tarnished.

Thats my guess. I liked "with a vengence" but this is getting kinda ridiclous.

I wish people would quit going to see sequals in the theater.

Sequals and prequils just need to die out, oh wait, that would mean somebody out there would actually have to be creative. Nevermind.