Live gig question?

Sep 16, 2004
Why do some people tape down their cords? are they scared of tripping? i once watched a band tape down all their cords and just stand there like mannaquinns when they played. as a sound guy i hate it, because no one picks up after themselves then i have to clean it all up.
Why do some people tape down their cords? are they scared of tripping? i once watched a band tape down all their cords and just stand there like mannaquinns when they played. as a sound guy i hate it, because no one picks up after themselves then i have to clean it all up.

We started doing it for tripping..nothing worse than eating shit in front of a crowd. However we use gaffers tape so we don't leave tape Goo all over the stage. Any band that doesn't clean up there mess Doesn't get paid thats how i would approach it.
Your American, carry a hand-held tazer! All you have to do is show it, explaining, "please clean up after yourself when you're finished."

I'd rather just use the tazer. what? you don't want to turn down!? (zap), your still out of tune after using you tuner for 5 minutes!? (ZAP), you have a Crate!? (zap).

oh the fun i would have:lol:

We started doing it for tripping..nothing worse than eating shit in front of a crowd. However we use gaffers tape so we don't leave tape Goo all over the stage. Any band that doesn't clean up there mess Doesn't get paid thats how i would approach it.

that's cool, a club is used to play at has a big sign where bands load in saying, that "if you duct tape anything to the stage you don't get paid"
"I'd rather just use the tazer. what? you don't want to turn down!? (zap), your still out of tune after using you tuner for 5 minutes!? (ZAP), you have a Crate!? (zap)."

LOL....especially the last
Well I could see myself taping down cables to and from my footswitch and pedals (all 2 of them), but my guitar cable? Fuck that
Why do some people tape down their cords? are they scared of tripping? i once watched a band tape down all their cords and just stand there like mannaquinns when they played. as a sound guy i hate it, because no one picks up after themselves then i have to clean it all up.
In the list of 'presents' bands leave on stage, I find puddles of beer much more offensive (and common) than tape.
ah my worst problem on stage is the lead thats going from my bass to my sansamp just gets wrapped and wrapped around my leg to a point that my legs get stuck together like a straight jacket on them when tryin to untangle with the other leg.

i hate it!
i wonder in i sub-conciously turn in cicles when i'm on stage?:lol: i realy wouldnt be suprised! lol

i think i need to invest in wireless, because this has happend about 4 times in the last few months haha