Live MIDI and Controllers

Dec 11, 2007
I was just wondering has anyone ever experimented with using MIDI Controllers on stage whilst playing to trigger samples within Logic/Ableton/Cubase/Reason?

Im a guitarist and I wanna have a multi foot switch that can trigger a few samples whilst i play.
Ive seen some MIDI pedals for use with amps that have a MIDI In, but im not quite sure.

Almost all electronic/industrial and such bands do it night after night. I've also seen quite a few bands use electronic drums, so it's not unheard of. The same principle applies to what you want to do, just as a stomp button instead of a drum-shaped trigger.

Ive seen some MIDI pedals for use with amps that have a MIDI In, but im not quite sure.

That is used to switch channels and modes in the amps, but MIDI is MIDI. It's how you use it, as it can be used for a whole lot of different things.
do you know of any controllers on the market?

For amps? They are usually either come with the amp, or need to be purchased separately (made by the amp maker).

As for sample triggering, any drum trigger will do. Our drummer uses this and it seems to work nicely: Just connect it to a computer with a sampler program running and take the output to the desk.
control pads wouldnt work becoz i wanna trigger the samples with my feet. but the program mentioned in the above link is only windows. i wonder if parallels would be stable enough

You can also buy single piezo pads and make a "kick drum" with a separate drum pedal. Just attach the piezo mic to a leather pad (or just buy one pre-made) and make a L shaped wooden thingy and attach the kick pedal to it. Now everytime you step on it, you'll get your sample action. You might even automate the sound to get a different sample for each time space.

Here's some different things to try:
yeah that seems to be the way to go
id like to go footswitch->macbook->DI->PA

control pads wouldnt work becoz i wanna trigger the samples with my feet. but the program mentioned in the above link is only windows. i wonder if parallels would be stable enough

What are parallels? parallel ports ...or:goggly: