protools, ezdrummer, MIDI????


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
OK i just got me the ez drummer from toontracks cause of all the talk and good samples from it on here :rock:

I'm using protools 6.4 and i can't use drag and drop option with this cause I'm using vst 2 rtas by fx expansion, But trying to write midi tracks in protools just ain't working out to hot for me. There must be an easier way.

Cubase? don't this have a drum editor?


whats the easiest and best option cause midi in protools sucks and i don't even wanna waste my time with it :mad:
From my experience with DFH2/DFHS and using a few different hosts with them I think it's safe to say that Cubase/Nuendo has got to be the best one to do MIDI stuff with. Again, this is out of the ones I have tried, which include Reason 3.0, Digital Performer, PT 6.7 and Ableton Live. While the MIDI portion of these hosts worked...they were just a pain in the ass to use. I know what you're going through!
