Live On The Edge of Forever?¿?¿?


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Another one of my many questions lol...

Umm, on LoTeoF just before Of Sins and Shadows, allen is talking to the crowdm and i think saying the band members names, just before the song starts up allen says something in his deep rhaspy voice-Something along the lines of "Latah" or "leader" or something... Iw as just curios anyone no exactly what he is saying?

I'm pretty sure its LATAH as in 'Later' but since Iw asn't there for that concert nore is it clear enough to understand perfectly!
i think you're seems fitting since he was talking about the next song (sins) being their last one of the night and thanking the crowd for the energy and what-not, so...

it really does sound like "latah"
it would be "Later". As Sins has long been a closing number for the band, the term "later" fits as in we'll see you later because this is the last song we will do if we dont come out for an encore. Of course Russ proceeds to launch in to the "Give it up one last time" and "thank you and good night" during the opeing of it all fits :)
Unfortunately, the only footage of LoTEOF is the clips they have on the website of Communion and Fallen.