Live stream today


em go to

and type e-mule

and download e mule , and install it, then , open it, and connect to the networks, which you will find. then go and type what you will search, and download it .

if you wont be able or wont know how to do this, or it wont work,

i will find the show, and upload it to rubenios ftp server,

notice. p2p programs are meant to be "share" programs , and somehow they are illegal, so if you will download mp3 albums, and music, please keep in midn that you are breaking the artist copywright rules, and similiar things.

most people will laugh at me now, but i support the artists so i buy original cd's.
and alot of them will agree with me too. i hope ;P
sorgin said:
thank you again! And I agree with you, I also tend to buy the albums when I really like them (money doesn't reach for it all... )

no problem,

yea money = nothing

great music = invaluableness

At the SOB Board there's a thread about it and somebody wrote there, that the band told in the show, that they will do another Europe Tour in fall 2006 BUT, they will only be support.

Somebody else heard that ?? And the big question is, for which band would CoB open ?? That must be a big name like Slayer, Metallica or something.
Greg Moore said:
At the SOB Board there's a thread about it and somebody wrote there, that the band told in the show, that they will do another Europe Tour in fall 2006 BUT, they will only be support.

Somebody else heard that ?? And the big question is, for which band would CoB open ?? That must be a big name like Slayer, Metallica or something.
I heard they said that indeed but I don't think they said the band they'll be supporting, or at least I didn't hear it
I asked the guys who wrote that if they are shure that he really spoke about a Tour as Support and not as Headliner. I will tell you of course what they said.