Living the dream.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Just talked to an old friend of mine, one of the more eccentric people I've known whom I haven't heard from since probably 1993. He's been a starving artist for the past decade or so, travelling around the world doing odd pop art here and there after seeing combat in Bosnia via the Army. One piece he told me about was he got an old VW Bug from a junkyard, covered the thing in shag carpet, then drove it into a giant mousetrap strong enough to destroy the car in the middle of Denver, videotaping how long it took for the cops to come tow it away (no tag, no registration, etc.), which took several days. Another bit he did was in Chicago where he put up signs around a skyscraper, he got hold of some blank hazard signs and put stick figures of people jumping off buildings CAUTION: SUICIDES. The fuzz pulled him in for questioning on that one, whoops. He does various lectures and exhibits around the country but his diet still consists of "a pack of Camels and a 12er of Pabst," and he's really happy to be where he is in life. One of his larger chunks of notoriety was being interviewed by a newspaper concerning the new Harry Potter book, he was at the release party and they asked him "aren't you a little old to be reading this?" His response consisted of a bunch of pompous bullshit including "the greatest thing the British ever did was to get witchcraft into homes around the world," and the newspaper printed everything he said, hahaha. I must say I envy these people who can do such things rather than slave away in some lousy office job reading enough Rushdie novels on a hungover Saturday to keep the brain from completely atrophying. [/d'oh]

Long story short, sure the secure job and material bullshit it affords is pretty nice, but GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I should get off my ass and live as a poor musician one of these days. The new woman is an artist herself, we really should move to Frisco and live off love for a few years so we can do it, fail, and then sell out to the man like we're both doing right now anyhow. Hmm.
I could probably sell off enough music equipment right now to afford room and board up there for 6 months, and still have my P to get me gigs. :loco:
I'm gonna do it after grad school. Why? Cause an english degree and an MFA will get me ZERO work.

I wanna live like Lebowski
do it dude ... especially at your age, and if you have someone like minded to do it with.

as far as working for the man, you can always do this ... you are not the type of person that will ever starve ... a job will always be available to you.
@ sirloin: dude an engrish degree will get you a gs-5 with the govt!! that's what my poli sci degree did fer me!

@ what's this about grammum's money, you can rely on yer gramma's money, it's a bitch girl, but you've gone to far and you know it don't matter anyway...[hallandoates]

@ nad: starvation is SO sixties. it seems romantic that you can live on each other's juices but a couple weeks of counting each other's ribs is no fun.

I knew a dude who grabbed a VW van and was living in it in CO with his dog, he came out to chicago and told our other bud who was working for an insurance company after graduating from old dominion, "dude, why are you selling out to THE MAN!" don't know why he didn't accuse me of the same thing.
NADatar said:
I could probably sell off enough music equipment right now to afford room and board up there for 6 months, and still have my P to get me gigs. :loco:
ha more like 6 hours am i rite

bohemian lifestyle>>>>>>>9 to 5, i hope to find a job that gives me a lot of flexibility/independence....yeah, right :rolleyes:
cthulufhtagn said:
ha more like 6 hours am i rite
Unfortunately yes, you are. :erk:

Step 1: Move to San Francisco (happy, Pyrus? :loco: ).
Step 2: Get a job to sell out for awhile.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!