Load Box/Red Box


Producer / Engineer
Apr 16, 2006
I've done some recordings with the Koch Load Box 1, and I was intrigued, I connected a Mesa, a Brunetti and a VHT directly to my PC (no cabinet) and they all sounded pretty good. They seems to be a bit thin in the high end but it really brings out the character of your amp.

Within in the Load Box, there are things that alter your sound to a usable one for recording, I heard that with the load box 2 you can bypass those things and get the actual raw sound of your amp which could lead to killer recordings. I read that a lot of producers tend to rather plugin directly instead of miccing (Mark Trombino, Tue Madson). The new Textures was tri-axis right?, I think they have a pretty good sound.. Some of our sound engineers also tend to use a Red Box live; what are your experiences with the load box/red box?

I heard a combination of a load box 2 and a sm57/senn 609 can be monstrous live? discuss :)
Ive used similar units with a 57 on a guitar cab live and got realy good results. I have found that putting the DI out of phase can help sometimes though
Clips please....I am VERY interested in hearing the sounds you get with the Koch box....

Within in the Load Box, there are things that alter your sound to a usable one for recording, I heard that with the load box 2 you can bypass those things and get the actual raw sound of your amp which could lead to killer recordings.

I guess you are talking about the speaker simulator in the unit? The raw tone without one would sound TERRIBLE....you definately need a speaker sim....otherwise you get a buzzy/fizzy tone without body....
hmm ok, I noticed that the settings of my amplifiers differed insanely from their usual when you hook it in a cabinet.. so I guess the Load Box 2 should have a better simulator? (if you would also mic the same amp, the settings will sound horrible coming from your cabinet it would be worthless). I unfortunately do not own one yet (gonna get one soon) we used it for recordings for my band, we're releasing the songs in two weeks, so I will definetly let you know what the final result is and post a clip here; I'm really anxious to hear the load box 2 tho, since it is said to be a lot better;

it's very useful since you can plug it in your computer without using a cabinet and still get a very good guitar sound.. as I said, I'll post a clip in about two weeks! and I'll let you know when I get the Koch Load Box 2!
I heard that beside the speaker simulator the koch load box 1 modifies some other things, I don't know which those are, but because of that I hear promising stories for number 2, because they have the bypass :)
In Flames used H&K Red Boxes in combination with the miced tone of their 5150s (through Marshall 1960s) for their live sound back on the Retour To Remain. Duno if they still do it that way though.
I got some material up from the load box 1, I expect load box 2 to be a whole lot better.... this is 2x a Gibson Les Paul Studio+ -> VHT -> Load box -> Nuendo Left and 2x Right

http://www.myspace.com/sanandreasnl (the song: brand new day)

I'll let you guys hear a track done with 2x Mesa Triple Rectifier Left + 2x Brunetti Right in a few weeks when it's mastered; I think that combination sounds a lot better than the VHT 4 times