LoadBox or LunchBox


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Hey all,

In the not so useful yet funny post, I was wondering who here would rather buy a LoadBox for their current highgain 100+ W amp versus buying a lunchbox amp (6505MH, Orange Mini Terror, EVH, ENGL Ironball, whatever).

Depending what you aim for in terms of lunch box, it can be in the same kind of range as a LoadBox.

What is your preference and why? Just having a friendly conversation.
If you already own a high gain, 100w amp - loadbox for sure. It'll end up being much cheaper than a lunchbox.
Well I asked myself that question and is it really cheaper?

I mean a decent loadbox will be starting at around 300 USD I guess (I'm not American, not sure about the American market) and I think the 6505MH is close to that price... So I'm not sure price is really a decisive point?

Don't get me wrong, I also think loadbox is the way to go, just not because of the money.
Huh, I didn't realize those mini 6505s were that cheap! About $500 US. Keep in mind they use EL84 tubes though so I'm assuming you won't quite have the same tone as a 6L6 equipped head.
Huh, I didn't realize those mini 6505s were that cheap! About $500 US. Keep in mind they use EL84 tubes though so I'm assuming you won't quite have the same tone as a 6L6 equipped head.

Totally agree that it wouldn't be the exact same tone, however I have heard a couple of videos and it sounds surprisingly good! But ya, when comparing with a Freyette loadbox that is like 650$ USD, I just started reflecting on this.

However I still think a loadbox is just more useful, when you already have the 100W head and the cab.

Axe-Fx :heh:

Oh boy.... hahaha! I'm not sold on the Axe-FX, not at all to be honest! I'm definitely old school on that regard (amplification) and even if you exclude that fact, I'd probably go Kemper before Axe-FX. BUT! Then again, I'm not sold either on the Kemper.

You see, it's arguably retarded what I am about to say, but I have a small issue with all the Kemper profiling thing. What we see, more and more, is a small portion of people with nice tube amps, demonstrating their nice tones on Youtube. And a big portion of people requesting Kemper profiles in the comment sections... I wouldn't say it's a problem, but I just don't like that aspect of all that Kemper trend.