Loading samples into Reason, all sound ridiculous.


New Metal Member
Hey guys, So when i load samples (for ex, snares wav files) into reason and use their sampler (nn-xt), my samples sound like i'm hitting the lowest note on an organ. I'm mapping the samples to keys (starting at C1). Any reason this might happen? It does not matter which sample I use, they all sound like this.

Lets assume it's a snare sample.

Hit that little down arrow on the bottom left of NNXT next to pitch/wheel, it will open up the main property page.

Open/load your sample. The key is setting the ROOT and LO KEY / HI KEY.

So... Using the knobs, set ROOT to whatever key you want, C1 is OK, but C3 is more appropriate for a snare.

Anywho... Twist ROOT knob until it displays C3. Then set LO KEY to C3, and HI KEY to C3. You will see the stretchy/slider/mappy reflect your mouse spins.

Et Voila...

PS - A cool trick is that you can hold down the ALT key and click with mouse to audition the sample either on the piano view or on the left side where it displays sample name. This is very handy.

Good luck.

Reason ownz.

Seacrest Out.
With single drum hits, you dont want them to be "tracked"; ("screwed around with pitch") hehe.

Typically when you sample a pitched instrument, you'd sample in minor third intervals. This is the semi agreed upon standard so shit does not get too stretchy when playing high or too flabby when playing low. Bust out any AKAI CD and if you use CDXtract to audition any given piano/guitar/bass/Roseanne Queef, it will sound like an ascending diminished line.

It's not a fault of Reason, and it's pretty typical of the way samplers behave. Reason does not know WHERE you want the root to be, so you cannot just blindly strap a samp to a key, or you'll get the "lowest note on an organ" scenario.

Battery is dope if you are doing just drum hits because you don't have to worry about root/pitch off the bat.

IMO, Kontakt 2 is the schnizzle when it comes to soft samplers... no offense to MOTU Mach5 or Halion users. =)

Get'cha pull.