[Logic] Basic UltraBeat Stuff


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
I have just made a basic video on UltraBeat - this is one of the many synths/drum machines that comes with Logic.
It is for beginners - but somebody told me that if you were to get (2) Logic users who have never met before - in the same room - and let them talk about Logic - the odds are that both would leave the room having learned something.
With that said - I hope that you enjoy!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXMZqThKpco]Basic UltraBeat Stuff (prt 1)[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhPzv77vAkc]Basic UltraBeat stuff (prt 2)[/ame]

Thanks for watching, and take care.
Shoot, man - you're my new hero! That tune & video that you posted rawk!
I don't suppose you would consider making a little 4 bar groove that I can use as an intro and outro for my videos, eh?

There are a few programs out there that you can use to capture the video.
I use iShowU in conjunction with WireTap Studio.
It's not the most efficient way to go - but we are talking about me here!
There are other programs out there that I would rather work with - but in some cases - you must have a more recent operating system than I have.

I hope that this helps.
I also hope that you get a chance to watch the videos.
Thanks - and let me know if you need some input.
Take care, sir.
Shoot, man - you're my new hero! That tune & video that you posted rawk!
I don't suppose you would consider making a little 4 bar groove that I can use as an intro and outro for my videos, eh?

There are a few programs out there that you can use to capture the video.
I use iShowU in conjunction with WireTap Studio.
It's not the most efficient way to go - but we are talking about me here!
There are other programs out there that I would rather work with - but in some cases - you must have a more recent operating system than I have.

I hope that this helps.
I also hope that you get a chance to watch the videos.
Thanks - and let me know if you need some input.
Take care, sir.

Haha thanks man! Glad you enjoyed it :rock:

Hell yeah I would! What kinda thing you looking for? Thrashy? or more like groove black album style? Ive just finished tracking the next Fallen Fate song so its nearly done so ill be able to sort that for you no worries man.

Ah cool, ill have to check those out. Wes asked if I could do a mixing vid, never done that kinda thing before, feel kinda out my depth really but I might give something a go sometime soon :lol:


PS: Sweet vids btw! :Smokin:
Thanks, sir.
I thought that a kewl, thrashy, march kind of tune would work really well.
I'm trying to come up with one myself.
Thanks for taking the time to watch.
It is very much appreciated.
Thank you so much for the kind words.
I really appreciate you taking the time to reply.
I hope that you stay tuned.
Take care.
Thank you very much. I am glad that I can entertain you and give the gift of a giggle or two!
I hope that you rare able to stay tuned.
Take care, and Rawk'n'Roll!