Logic-experts ... question about arrangement of the mixer-window


Oct 9, 2007
Hey guys,

lately it's buggin' me that I'm not able to re-arrange the tracks/faders inside Logics Mixer-Window.

For the sake of overview I would love to re-arrange tracks and busses etc. as I wish. Audio-tracks to Audio-tracks, Busses to Busses and Aux's to where they belong. I like to have the total overview when mixing so everything is visible all the time.

Any hint?
I haven't played with the environment too much, I agree its annoying to rearrange tracks.

For audio tracks you can rearrange them in the arrange window and the mixer will follow. For busses its pretty annoying, but once you start automating they'll show up in the arrange window and you can move them as you wish. I basically set up my busses in the order I like them to begin with so I don't have to think about moving them later.