Logic Problem!


Jan 3, 2012
So heres whats happening...
I've started a session fine, I've gone about my song like usual, I've done the drums, tracked the rhythm guitars and bass, then when I'm half way through tracking my leads, i get a noticble latency.

prior to this I've never had any latency issues while recording that i have noticed, but a guy can't record like this.. its impossible.

i was thinking that the more i track the more plugins I'm using and such, as I'm using amp sims.. the more cpu usage may cause latency. to see if this was the case, i left that certain session with the latency open in the background and opened a new one and just loading in my guitar signal chain. while I'm playing on this session i have no latency, even though the other session is still open.

why would it start nearing the end of tracking, yet not happen on another session while i have multiple open at the same time?

how can i fix this??
If you are using multiple instances of reverb designer as ir-loader it can cause this. Also I´ve noticed that if I add ozone or logic´s own Adaptive limiter I have latency issues if I try to record something...
Also check out if your CPU is maxing out at the bottom right (if i remember right), if it is on 1 core use busses to your advantage and bus your reverbs and EQ's.
i checked the cpu bar before i made this thread and it was no where near maxing, thats why i was confused whether it would be the cpu usage.
i just ended up downloading a different impulse loader instead of using space designer and it seems to have worked. thanks guys for your help!
Ok,great! The reverb designer is quite heavy, as almost every (?) reverb blugin. I'm using La convolver at the moment myself in guitar bus, but I've noticed that mr Lepou is releasing LeCab for mac soon, so that will be my choise when it comes out! :)