lol content mac stupidness.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
So I'm getting ready to reply to a post when all of the sudden my screen zooms in and I no longer have keyboard functionality. I know right! Worse thing ever. So I go online looking for the remedy and notice that my numlock key is in perma-band mode (won't turn off) and no keyboard shortcuts are working.

Now apparently mac has a zoom function (why on earth you would want this, is beyond me) the shortcut is option apple 8. This zooms in your screen, fucking annoying and all.

But my keyboard was in some sort of "fuck you" mode.

I don't know how but after 2 restarts I got it out of "fuck you" mode and was able to get shit started again. But the scary thing was the fact that I couldn't type ANYTHING. Random numbers would appear when I was typing.

Definitely the most fucked up thing ever to happen to me on this computer.
You sir are wrong. Macs are flawless and never do things such as those you described. You must have a PC. :lol:
I had this happen once in 10.3 a couple of years ago on my G5. Unplugging the keyboard/mouse and plugging them back in seemed to help, if I recall. Not useful if you're on a laptop, obviously.

By the way, the zoom feature is incredibly useful if you're a graphic artist, or if you're watching tiny embedded video on a web page. Has a million uses. Zooming in and out (once zooming is enabled using the toggle you mentioned, Command-Option 8) is done via Command-Option plus and Command-Option minus, respectively. It's technically part of the accessibility features (System Preferences - Universal Access), but it has a lot of other uses, as I've suggested.
i use zooming all the time.. there are plenty of uses for it... thing is, zooming is not on by default... you have to turn it on in the system control panel... and then you can set the behaviors... so it sounds like someone screwed around with the system settings on your Mac. same with the numlock problem... someone had to enable that. for the record, zooming is an "Accessibility" feature... which means it's there for disabled persons... specifically in this case for sight-impaired mac users (though as Kazrog mentions, it has many uses for non-vision-impaired users). so is that really "beyond" you to understand? just turn it off dude, did this really require a thread?
I couldn't live without the zoom function now, I love it so much I use it all the time (for reading, typing, watching embedded videos as Kazrog said). I even assigned it to a mouse button, and while holding the button and using the scroll-button up or down change the level of zoom.
so it sounds like someone screwed around with the system settings on your Mac. same with the numlock problem... someone had to enable that.

Yeah I screwed around with my settings (everyone else is locked out of my shit) :rolleyes:.

The numlock locking up that was totally my fault as well. :rolleyes:

The keyboard not working either, totally my fault (there really wasn't any reason to restart 2 times to get it to unfuck itself). :rolleyes:

Common James the occasional mac bash by someone who uses one is funny. My laptop really did just up and decide to freak the fuck out. The odds of me accidentally hitting: Apple/option/8 are pretty fucking slim.

Like the title says "LOL content". It was funny, like the blue screen of death.
this used to happen to me on a toshiba laptop that I had. It would piss me off so bad. I took it back and got an HP laptop and have never had that problem. Matter of fact, fuck toshiba :kickass:
Yeah I screwed around with my settings (everyone else is locked out of my shit) :rolleyes:.

The numlock locking up that was totally my fault as well. :rolleyes:

The keyboard not working either, totally my fault (there really wasn't any reason to restart 2 times to get it to unfuck itself). :rolleyes:

Common James the occasional mac bash by someone who uses one is funny. My laptop really did just up and decide to freak the fuck out. The odds of me accidentally hitting: Apple/option/8 are pretty fucking slim.

Like the title says "LOL content". It was funny, like the blue screen of death.
oh yeah you totally got my point :rolleyes:

right on the money :rolleyes::rolleyes:

i was totally bashing you for daring to say your computer did something wrong :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

did i use enough :rolleyes:'s? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

c'mon d0000d.... could you have missed my point more? every computer in the world fucks up, though i still say you inadvertently enabled zoom (i've seen every mac fuckup that's ever happened just about in 15 years of using the platform... but i've never heard of zoom turning itself on since the feature was added... ever... so you'd be a unique case as far as i know).... but your bashing the fuck out of a feature that's there for sight-impaired people, and your further inablity to see the usefulness of the feature even for people with good vision was the point on my spear... cuz i wasn't bashing, i was stabbing.... and you deserved it.


As funny as this sort of thing is, I have one thing to admit for Mac users...

Not once have I gotten the call dreaded among nerds worldwide...

"Yes, hi, I heard you were good with computers and I need a little help. See, I just broke my little cupholder-dealie off and need to know how to put it back on."

"Cupholder... dealie. I don't follow."

"You know, on the big CPU box thing, above the floppy drive... the cupholder. I have two, so I can get by without this one, but I want to make sure I don't break the other one too."

"You put a cup in your... have a nice day." *click*

At least that's just clumsiness...

CD players. As cupholders. These were even when CD 52X was printed very clearly in nice big letters right on the tray. No excuses.
