lol @ what happened yesterday during school(metal related)

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Like classmates that don't know metal well, would know CF or Burzum :rolleyes:.

Each person played 1 song from their album. I played "Tears In A Prophet's Dream" and got a big "wtf is this shit" from the class.
The kid with the Burzum album played "Det som en gang var" and got a huge "wtf is this shit" and the teacher turned it off like 2 minutes in. I felt bad for him, he picked an awesome song and got no respect. But whatever...
No, liking Thriller more than TMT is fine. But to say it is better music is just stupid. Its like saying Twilight is written better then "For Whom the Bell Tolls". More people make like Twilight, just like a ton more people like Thriller, but that doesn;t change the fact that the level of music made in TMT is so much higher than the catchy beats in Thriller.

Quality is actually subjective d00d.

the whole thread
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